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From Lawyer to Go Developer in e-commerce

About me

I am a back-end developer in the field of e-commerce. Before IT, I had a law degree.

About the Tech Orda program

I learned about the Tech Orda program while studying at Alem School. I decided that this is a great opportunity to gain new knowledge. To become a participant, it is enough to meet one requirement — to be in the age range from 18 to 45 years old.

What should I do?

To enroll in Alem School, you must first complete two logic and attention games. They are simple, each one is given three attempts. After successfully completing the games, a qualifying stage takes place, which is called the "pool" and determines whether you can become a permanent student. To successfully complete the "pool", you can pull up some basics in advance on the Golang programming language, as well as Bash, Git.

Features of training

There are no teachers at Alem School, but each student is responsible for their studies and projects. Students help each other and study everything together.

I enjoyed studying at Alem School. I gained a lot of knowledge, met new friends and like-minded people, with whom I still keep in touch.

How did the training affect

After six months of study, I joined Team Alem as a junior developer.

I recommend the Tech Orda program to anyone who aspires to become an IT specialist, as it can greatly help in your professional development.

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