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A platform for the sale of paintings by famous artists of Central Asia and Kazakhstan

Since its foundation, ARTSHOP.ASIA adheres to one main mission: to support artists who share their passion for beauty and leave their mark on the world. We are convinced of the power of art: the ability to express emotions that defy verbal description, overcoming language barriers. The Deposit section on the Platform is a process of using blockchain technology to establish and confirm the ownership, origin and authenticity of works of art. The use of blockchain technology solves a number of problems related to forgeries, loss of origin and storage of information about the picture.  When buying a painting, the buyer receives a certificate of ownership of the painting.

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Платформа мигрировала в США со штаб квартирой в Калифорнии в ЛА. С целью популяризации Казахстанского искусства в Америке


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