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Why website loading takes longer than 3 seconds to kill sales

In 2025, users are not ready to wait. If your site takes longer than three seconds to load, 53% of visitors leave it without even waiting for the page to load. What if it's an online store? Potential customers go to competitors, and you lose sales.

  • 1 second delay = -7% conversion rate.
  • If the site loads for 5 seconds or longer, the bounce rate increases by 90%.
  • Google gives priority to fast sites in search results, while slow ones lose traffic.

Optimize images – compress without loss of quality (WebP). Use CDN – speeds up the download of content worldwide. Minimize HTTP requests – fewer external resources = faster downloads. Enable caching – page reloads will be faster., Check the server and hosting – slow server = slow website.

The faster the website loads, the higher the sales and the better the position in the search. Do you want to know how your website works in real time? It will help you track your download speed and notify you if there are problems. Don't lose customers – turn on monitoring today!