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A selection of Scratch Junior lessons for beginners in programming

Scratch Junior is an educational programming environment for children aged 5-7 years. The application was developed by specialists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology based on Scratch, but adapted for younger children. Instead of complex code, colorful visual blocks are used here, which are easy to move and combine to create animations and game scenes.

The program helps children understand the basics of algorithms, logic and sequence of actions, as well as develop creativity. 

In this collection, we have compiled lessons for beginners on Scratch Junior. They will help you understand the program's interface, learn how to manage objects, and create your first interactive stories and mini-games.

To download and install the program correctly, watch the video instructions from the Pixel School

A brief overview of how to do this: 

The computer version of Scratch Junior (this is the most popular version that you will need for training and programming)

  1. Open the official Scratch Junior website. 
  2. Go to the downloads section and select the desired version.
  3. Download the installation file for Windows or macOS.
  4. Run the downloaded file and follow the instructions of the installation wizard.
  5. Wait for the process to complete and open the application.

What to do if you have  Android?

  1. Open the Google Play Store on your tablet or phone. 
  2. Enter ScratchJr in the search bar and select the official app.
  3. Click "Install" and wait for the download to complete.
  4. After installation, open the app and get started.

What should I do if I have an iPad or an iPhone?

  1. Go to the App Store.
  2. Enter Scratch Junior in the search.
  3. Click "Download" and confirm the installation via Face ID, Touch ID, or password.
  4. After the download is complete, open the app.

After installing Scratch Junior, you can use it without the Internet.

How does Scratch Junior work? Watch the video tutorial on “Program interface and motion blocks".

The Scratch Junior programming environment can be roughly divided into 5 parts:

1.Block Categories

In Scratch Junior, teams are represented as colored blocks that are dragged and connected to each other. All blocks are divided into categories:

  • Yellow (events) – trigger the execution of programs, for example, when clicking on a flag or touching an object.
  • Blue (movement) – allows you to move characters in different directions.
  • Purple (appearance) – change the appearance of characters, allow you to add animations.
  • Green (sound) – enables playback of voices, music, and sound effects.
  • Orange (control) – contains loops and waiting commands.
  • Red (end of program) – stop program execution.

In the following chapters of this article, we will analyze in detail the main categories of blocks and their capabilities. 

2. Programming area

This is the place where the command sequences are collected. Children drag and drop blocks, connect them into chains and create algorithms for actions for the characters. Each program can include several sequences that are executed simultaneously or alternately.

3. The stage

A playing field on which characters and objects are placed. This is where the program execution takes place.: The characters move, interact with each other, and change their appearance. The scene can be static or mobile and dynamic, depending on the project.

4. Characters

In Scratch Junior, you can choose ready-made characters to add to the stage. They can be changed, moved, and endowed with movements. Children can also draw their own characters in the built-in editor.

5. Pages

Each project in Scratch Junior consists of pages that can be switched to create interactive stories or new game levels. This feature allows children to create multi-screen animations and more complex projects.

How do they work and how can I use them to create a Traffic Light project? Watch it in the video

The appearance blocks are located in the purple palette of Scratch Junior and are responsible for changing the appearance of the characters. They allow you to change costumes, create animations, and add visual effects. These blocks make projects more dynamic and expressive.

The main blocks of appearance

  1. Change appearance – the button switches the character to a different costume, creating an animation effect.
  2. Hide character – the button makes the object invisible on the stage.
  3. Show character – this function returns a hidden object in the field of view.

We show one of the versions of how to create a Traffic Light project in Scratch Junior.

This project will teach the child to control the appearance of objects and change them according to the scenario. It will have three traffic light colors that switch in turn.

Step 1. Adding backgrounds and objects

  1. To select a background, click on the background icon and select a city street.
  2. To add a traffic light, draw it with three circles (red, yellow and green) or use multiple characters for each signal.

Step 2. Signal change programming

  1. Red light
  2. Add a character with a red circle.
  3. In the field of programming, set blocks:
  4. Event: at the start (yellow block)
  5. Show (purple block)
  6. Wait 3 seconds (orange block)
  7. Hide (purple block)
  8. Yellow light
  9. Add a character with a yellow circle.
  10. Set up a similar sequence, but with a delay after the red signal.
  11. Green light
  12. Set up the green signal switching in the same way.

Step 3. Launching the program

After assembling all the blocks, the project can be started by clicking on the green flag. The traffic light will start changing signals one at a time, following the specified algorithm.

What are launchers and how to create a cartoon with them? Watch it in the video.

The starting blocks are located in the yellow palette and are responsible for launching the execution of programs. They determine when and under what conditions movement, a change in appearance, or character interaction will begin. These blocks are very important, because without them the characters will not be able to execute the given commands.

Main starting blocks

  1. Green flag – starts the program at the start of the project. It is used most often.
  2. The human button activates a sequence of commands when clicking on a character.
  3. Two–person button - triggers the code if the character collides with another object.
  4. Touch the edge of the stage button – activates the command when the screen border is reached.
  5. The received message allows the characters to interact with each other through the transmission of signals.
  6. Sent message – sends a command to another character to start executing his program.

These blocks help synchronize the actions of characters, create animations, and develop interactions between sprites in a project.

How do I create a cartoon with dialogue in Scratch Junior?

This project will show you how to use launchers and message passing to create a mini cartoon where two characters talk to each other.

Step 1. Adding backgrounds and characters

  1. Choose a background, such as a park or a street.
  2. Add two characters, for example, a boy and a girl.

Step 2. Setting up the dialog

  1. The first character starts a conversation
  2. Add the "When the green flag is pressed" block.
  3. Add the "Say" block and enter the first line (for example, "Hello!").
  4. Add a waiting block (3 seconds) to allow time to read the text.
  5. Send a message to the second character.
  6. The second character responds
  7. Use the "When a message is received" block to start its speech.
  8. Add a "Say" block and enter a response (for example, "Hello! How are you?").
  9. Add a delay before the next action.
  10. Send a reply message to the first character.
  11. Continuation of the conversation
  12. Repeat the transmission of messages between characters, creating a dialogue.

Step 3. Start the animation

After completing the setup, you can click on the green flag, and the characters will start talking in the specified sequence.

Watch the video to see how they work and how to create a Catch–a-Fish game. 

The control units are located in the orange palette and are responsible for ordering the execution of commands. They help you manage the sequence of actions, set pauses, repeat commands, and create loops.

Main control units

  1. Wait (⌛) – suspends the execution of the program for a specified time.
  2. Repeat (🔄) – creates a loop in which the command is repeated several times.
  3. Always (♾️) – makes the command run indefinitely.
  4. Stop (🛑) – ends the program execution.

Control units allow you to create more complex scenarios, for example, to set animation delays, repeat character movements, or stop the program under a certain condition.

How do I create a Catch a Fish game in Scratch Junior?

This game will teach your child how to use control blocks, set cycles, and control characters by touching the screen.

Step 1. Adding backgrounds and characters

  1. Choose a water background (for example, a sea or a river).
  2. Add characters: a fish and a fisherman.

Step 2. Programming the movement of the fish

  1. Select a fish and add the "When the green flag is pressed" block.
  2. Use the "Always" loop to keep the fish moving endlessly left and right.
  3. Add movement back and forth across the stage.
  4. Use the waiting block to slow down the movement.

Step 3. Reaction to touch

  1. Add the "When the character is pressed" block to the fish.
  2. Use the "Hide" block to make the fish disappear when captured.
  3. Add a message to another character (the fisherman) with the text "You caught a fish!".

Step 4. Launching the game

After assembling all the blocks, you can click on the green flag and start fishing by tapping on it while moving.

This project teaches children how to work with cycles, manage time, and react to interacting with objects in Scratch Junior.

See how they work and how to create a game using these blocks in the video

The end blocks are located in the red palette and are used to complete the execution of commands. They allow you to stop animation, stop character movement, or terminate program execution.

Basic end blocks

  1. Stop (🛑) – completes the execution of commands for this character.
  2. Stop everything (⏹) – interrupts the execution of all programs in the project.

These blocks are important when creating games and animations, as they help control the completion of a scenario, the end of a game, or the stopping of actions under certain conditions.

This project will teach children how to use end blocks, as well as create game scenarios with correct and incorrect behavior on the road.

Step 1. Preparing the scene and characters

  1. Choose a background – a street or an intersection.
  2. Add characters – a boy (pedestrian) and a car.

Step 2. Setting up the movement of the car

  1. Set "When the green flag is pressed".
  2. Add the "Always" block so that the car goes on endlessly.
  3. Add forward movement and a repetition cycle.
  4. Add a waiting block so that the car moves smoothly.

Step 3. Collision Response

  1. Add the "When touching" block – the character reacts if he touches the car.
  2. Add the "Stop Everything" block so that the game ends in a collision.
  3. Add the "Say" block – the character can say "Dangerous!" or "Careful!".

Step 4. Creating Safe Behavior

  1. Add a traffic light button.
  2. Configure the machine to stop when the button is pressed.
  3. Add the "Stop" block for the car if the traffic light is red.

Step 5. Launch the project

After assembling the program, you can start a game in which the child learns the rules of safety on the road.:

  • If a pedestrian runs without stopping, he may collide with a car.
  • If you wait for the green signal, the road will be safe.

This project helps children not only to master the end blocks, but also to understand the importance of traffic rules.

In this review, we shared lessons from the Pixel children's programming school. She teaches programming, game creation, 3D modeling, and web design to children aged 5-17. You can take lessons individually or in groups, online, offline, as well as in children's camps and intensive courses. 

If you want to watch lessons from other schools or other programming videos, write in the comments and we will make another selection. 

We wish you a pleasant learning experience!

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