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👩‍💻 International Programming Proggy-Buggy Towel Contest 2024 Results!

On May 25, the international programming contest "Proggy Buggy Towel Contest 2024" was held, organized by DataArt. In Kazakhstan, the contest was held in 3 locations: Astana, Almaty and Karaganda. It was also possible to participate in the contest online.

During the contest, participants had to solve 13 algorithmic problems within 42 minutes.

I helped organize and promote the Proggy Buggy contest in Astana. We had a great contest this year. Despite the fact that the participants from Kazakhstan did not take prizes, our participants had excellent results. I am sure that next time we will be able to show even better results and take prizes.

The next contest will be in autumn, I hope for your support. If you have friends who participated in IOI, ICPC, etc. with good programming experience, then please invite them. Also, if you know how to code and solve problems, then be sure to try to participate. Telegram group for Proggy Buggy participants in Astana:

Thanks to Assem Akhmetova ~ chief coordinator of the contest in Astana, contest was as always at the highest level! 

#ProggyBuggy #DataArt #Contest #13problems #42minutes

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