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Building presentations. Stages of work on a design task

This stage implies that you have collected all the information about the project, found out which audience the presentation is aimed at, what is the purpose of the presentation, what ideas will be conveyed and when you need to submit the project. And if the designer works on a freelance basis, then you still need to agree on the amount for the project and conclude a contract.

Here the designer plunges into the task: studies materials from the customer and the audience, looks for references. (if there is a task to create something creative, the designer cannot do without studying trends and collecting interesting ideas).

You need to study the materials from the customer, correlate them with all the information and with the purpose of the presentation, the audience, the context. This will help you understand whether there are enough materials or, conversely, there are too many of them.

After the research, you can proceed to development. Usually designers first outline a few ideas, then choose a couple of the best and present them to the customer. But in small projects, you can immediately get to work: think over the structure and content, choose the design — fonts and colors, and then put it all together.

At this stage, the designer receives edits from the customer and finalizes the project according to them. Rare work goes completely without edits, this is as important a part of the process as working with fonts. Do not treat them with a negative attitude. Remember: the customer is your ally. He is more worried about the result of the project than anyone else.

At the final stage, you need to prepare the final version, put everything in order and remove unnecessary rough work.

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