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The premiere of the new IT show "Roasting startups"

There is an idea. The startup has been launched. But does he have the strength to survive in the market?

"Roasting startups" is a new IT show where the startup founder goes to the analysis, and the investor and tracker do not spare anyone! Sharp questions and only real feedback!

In the first issue:

Laura Taganova is the founder of the startup Aldente AI, which has conquered 500 Global.

Ruslan Rakhymbai is the investment director of Quest Ventures, who knows what is worth investing in.

Evgeny Frolov is a tracker, leader of acceleration programs, founder of the Red Team Accelerator, who does not spare weak business models.

Miras Alash is a comedian who adds pepper to the analysis.

The startup Aldente AI is an AI platform for analyzing video from surveillance cameras. In Kazakhstan, the startup works with several chains, such as Coffee Boom, Shashlychok, SF. It recently signed a large American network Panda Express and is actively conquering the US market.

Will the founder withstand roasting? 

Go to the Astana Hub YouTube channel and watch the release! 🚀

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