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Hello, Friend! Lesson of the day.

Choose the right team, choose the right path, act aggressively, and in the end you will get the maximum reward. In 15 years of work, I have launched IT startups 12 times. I have made countless mistakes and suffered irreparable losses, both financial and moral. It was difficult to accept defeat and loss of time, but only later do you realize that it is the new experience that gives you the knowledge for the next stage.

If you are currently working on a project or building a business, I understand you. It is extremely important to find a person who believes in you and supports you with a kind word. So, my friend, I believe in you. You will succeed. The main thing is to act, remain optimistic and know that there is someone who has already passed this path.

Tell us about your project, I will be happy to help with advice. Share it in the comments.

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