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Instill a habit in the user

Do you want to create products that will make your users addicted? The book "Hooked" by the author Nir Eyal tells about the process of creating such products.

Some of the main insights outlined in the book:

The habituation cycle: The cycle consists of four phases: Signals, Actions, Rewards and Investments. Each phase of the habituation cycle helps the user to learn the habit.

Signals: Signals are triggers that make the user want to perform an action. The signals can be internal or external.

Actions: Actions are what the user does in response to a signal. The simpler and faster the action, the more likely it is that the user will repeat it over and over again.

Rewards: Rewards are what the user receives as a result of performing an action. The rewards can be physical or emotional.

Investment: Investment is what a user puts into a product to increase their motivation. Investments can be time, money, or effort.

Habits are automated actions that the user performs without thinking, which helps to maintain the habituation cycle.

Negative habits: Negative habits can be stronger than positive ones because they can satisfy the immediate needs of the user, despite the negative consequences in the long run.

Behavior Change: Creating habits is not the only way to change user behavior. Other methods must be used, such as changing the user's environment or teaching users new skills.

Product Design: Effective product design can play an important role in shaping habits. Products should be intuitive and easily accessible, and functions should be organized in such a way as to maximize usability.

Ethics: The importance of transparency and respect for users when using psychological techniques is not to abuse your power over the user and not to impose anything on him that may affect his behavior or decision-making.

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