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About the development of innovations (for IT and Life Science) in the Republic of Kazakhstan, I received 2 answers out of three requested, I report)

I wrote a post, in particular and

And I recently received a response from 2 government agencies out of three. Well, sadly, these answers are much worse than they were in the Russian Federation before and a hundred times worse than they would have been in the EU. 

That's how in the Russian Federation and / with

And the whole progressive world is evolving too :)

I will give you 4 quotes in total, how the Republic of Kazakhstan responds to the proposal for the development of intellectual property in the country. They are on the disk so that there are not "too many links" of information.

I really hope (believe) that there are people in the Republic of Kazakhstan who want to develop innovations in IT and all other areas in their country, unlike officials who are not interested in anything without a bribe and respond as formally and concretely as possible. 

And I strongly suspect that only in Kazpatent (as in my native and beloved Rospatent), there are people who want to increase IP and inventions in the Republic of Kazakhstan 

I will immediately write that I have never had and will never have a goal to blame someone, I only need to give feedback on how it looks outside the walls of the office with a position where it is warm and convenient to shift papers, as the boss says.