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Hyundai brand promotion via mobile apps during the Black Friday period: key strategies and results

Display advertising inside mobile apps during the Black Friday period plays a key role for the automotive segment. At this time, competition remains high, and buyers are actively looking for the best deals.

In this case, we will look at how display advertising in mobile applications on the BYYD platform helped promote the Hyundai brand during the Black Friday period, attract a target audience and encourage users to buy.


• Attracting users to the landing page

• Increase brand awareness

• Increasing awareness of Hyundai Black Friday

• Expanding product knowledge

• Stimulating the target audience to buy


Rich Media

• Targeting by socio-demographic characteristics

• Targeting by interests

• Setting up relevant interests and application categories

• Optimization: SSP, categories, applications

• Yandex.Metrica

Geo: Kazakhstan

The project was implemented in partnership with Hyundai Auto Kazakhstan distributor.

Targeting is an important strategic component of any marketing project, especially in the mobile advertising segment. To ensure maximum effectiveness, accurate and relevant targeting was set up from the very beginning of the campaign.

We used two types of targeting to reach the target audience more accurately and effectively.

The first is targeting by socio-demographic parameters. We have identified the target audience as male and female between the ages of 25 and 55.

The second type of targeting was based on relevant user interests. We have set up targeting for the following interests:

  • Automobiles and the automotive business, including the purchase and sale of cars, driving, luxury cars, as well as sedans, hatchbacks, crossovers and SUVs.
  • Financial interests such as money, investments, financial planning and investments.
  • Travel interests, including frequent air travel, cruise vacations, traveling abroad and business trips.

The optimization of the advertising campaign was carried out based on the statistics of the BYYD platform in conjunction with analytics from Yandex.Metrica.

We analyzed the data and selected applications, the traffic from which gave the best post-click performance. This included a low bounce rate, a high duration of stay on the site, deep page browsing, and achieving goals.

Thanks to the right targeting, attractive creatives and competent optimization, we managed to achieve outstanding results.

  • The screenings exceeded the planned plan, amounting to 700,515.
  • The number of clicks was 14,903.
  • The actual CTR reached 2.13%.

Over the entire period of the advertising campaign, 178,415 users were reached.

Behavioral indicators play a particularly important role in media advertising, which we also managed to obtain at a high level:

  • Time on the site: 00:02:57
  • Sessions: 10,026
  • Refusals: 21.2%

In general, the results of our advertising campaign indicate its success and effectiveness in achieving its goals, as well as a high level of audience engagement and interest.

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