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Unity programming for schoolchildren: top 10 courses

Learning digital technologies and programming attracts young people, especially those who are passionate about shooters, RPGs and strategies, as well as those who seek to create something unique. Igrostroy is one of the most sought-after areas. 

Here are some courses that will teach the younger generation C# programming and game development in the Unity environment from scratch.

Age: from 10 years oldCost: 850 rubles per lesson — minimum priceDuration: 90 minutes, 12 lessons Advantages: discounts, project workThe link to the website:

The course is dedicated to studying Unity, including creating UI and coding in C#. Students immerse themselves in game development by learning how to develop levels and 2D games. The focus is on animation and code control of game objects. The training is aimed at mastering the fundamental aspects of creating games in Unity and the basic concepts of game design. In addition, students learn object-oriented programming in C#.

Over the course of 12 lessons, novice game creators will master the basics of developing 2D game projects and get acquainted with the role of a game designer in this process. The training includes programming scripts to implement students' ideas and learning how to work in the Unity platform, starting from the moment it is installed. Using the C# programming language, students will gain skills that will allow them to breathe life into characters and create game mechanics, including elements such as teleportation.

Age: starting from 10 years oldCost: from 850 rubles per lessonDuration: 4.5 monthsAdvantages: gamification, discount system, installment plan The link to the website:

During the course on creating 3D games using Unity and the C# language, students will master advanced techniques for designing game spaces. They will master the basics of working with 3D graphics, learn how to import models, and get acquainted with the key concepts of using shaders and prefabs within this game engine. This knowledge will give them a deep understanding of the processes involved in modeling and coding inside Unity.

During the training, students will master the techniques of creating and processing three-dimensional models. They will learn how to select and apply textures, as well as develop levels in three-dimensional graphics. In addition, methods that increase the effectiveness of gaming processes will be studied. Inspired by the creative environment, students will be able to use their C# programming skills to create game scenarios, design levels, animate characters, and implement game mechanisms. This course will give everyone the opportunity to feel like a real game developer.

Age: 10-14 years oldCost: from 850 rubles.Duration: 12 lessons of 1.5 hours eachAdvantages: game practice, discounts for new clients, social discounts for large familiesThe link to the website:

The Unity course is aimed at teaching students the technique of modeling 3D objects and their subsequent integration into the game engine. Students will learn how to adjust the camera environment using the Skybox to achieve a full immersion effect and master the tools to simulate liquids using a particle system. The List<> data structure for efficient information storage will also be studied. The course focuses on the practical aspects of 3D scene rendering, including creating realistic backgrounds and dynamic materials. Additionally, the program includes an introduction to MagicaVoxel for working with voxels.

Age: 10 years and olderCost:  on requestDuration: from 8 classesAdvantages: low entry threshold, interactive platform, the ability to refund money

The Unity training course in Russian is divided into three main sections with a total volume of 128 to 155 hours. In the first part of the course, students learn Unity and begin programming in C#, creating basic games like Geometry Dash and Fruit Ninja. The second part of the course focuses on studying shaders, textures, physics in games, and deeper immersion in C#. The final module of the course is aimed at developing games and applications for mobile devices and multiplayer platforms, including an RPG project called "Black Knight".

Age: 12-14 years oldCost: upon request on the websiteDuration: from 60 to 90 minutes Advantages: flexible schedule, individual approach, small groups

During the online courses, the young man will get acquainted with the techniques of working in a virtual environment, including modeling lighting, creating particle effects and implementing physics of collisions and connections of objects. He will master programming in C#, learn how to control virtual objects using code, adjust script parameters, and integrate various functions into the game. In addition, they will gain knowledge on creating user menus and interfaces, configuring audio effects, and finalizing a game project. During the training process, he will have to create original game scenarios, implement them using the Unity platform and demonstrate the final work.

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Age: 12-15 years oldCost:  3,000 per lessonDuration: 8 monthsAdvantages: free English lessons, 30% discount

The kid will learn the basics of programming, including functions, algorithms, variables and loops, in C#. He explores the beginnings of artificial intelligence. Creating five games, he will plunge into the world of scenarios, level design and user interfaces, learn how to add effects and write dialogues. This will help him develop perseverance, logical thinking and creativity. 

Working in a group, he learns how to allocate tasks, manage time, take into account other people's opinions and find compromises, which will help avoid conflicts in the future. The child will also learn how to present their projects and answer questions from the audience. Experience in various fields of the gaming industry will help him determine his professional interests and decide whether he wants to link his career with game development.

Age: 13 years and olderCost: on requestDuration: 32 lessonsAdvantages: project orientation, gamification, related skills

The Unity training program for young developers includes six stages. At the first stage, there is an introduction to the basics of Unity, children learn how to create characters and the world of the game. Then the basic principles of physics and character management are mastered using the Start and Update functions. In the intermediate modules, students develop runners, master the skills of generating levels using Instantiate and for loops. In addition, the program includes user interface integration, setting up conditions for losing and collecting objects. The final stage is dedicated to sound and visual effects.

Starting from the fourth stage of learning, students are immersed in the world of OOP in C#, where topics related to classes, objects, and inheritance are revealed. At the end of the course, each student will have the skills to create games of varying complexity, including multiplayer action games. In addition, they will master the basic principles of C# programming and the basics of game project development.

Age: from 9-10 years oldCost: 8,900 per monthDuration: 32 classesAdvantages: deep immersion in game development, project work

The beginner course provides an opportunity for young people to learn the basics of creating video games and develop the skills needed to work in the IT sector. Students get to know C# and learn how to work with visual editing tools, as well as develop their first 3D project. The training is divided into two parts: in the first part, the focus is on mastering Unity and the basics of 3D modeling, in the second - on advanced programming, animation and project launch.

Age: 12 years and olderCost: check with school administratorsDuration: 64 hoursAdvantages: certificate of completion of the program, igropractic lessons, online learning formats to choose from, installments

Students will devote from one to two times a week for 50 minutes to classes as part of the educational program. It includes learning the basics of working with the Unity game engine, studying textures and creating models for creating landscapes, developing programming skills and improving existing code. Students will also work on character management, animation, and game sound design. The program is divided into six modules, where each focuses on the development of games of a particular genre, be it a simulator, an arcade platformer or a role-playing game.

Age: 12 years and olderCost: 4620 per monthDuration: 10 monthsAdvantages: teaching staff of game designers and developers

This educational institution offers courses on mastering the skills of creating video games on the Unity platform. The training here is focused on developing skills in the implementation of projects with sophisticated graphical execution and a user-friendly interface using a popular game engine. This qualification is in demand both in large gaming companies and among indie developers. Unity opens up opportunities for creating games of a wide variety of genres, from elementary arcade games to complex role—playing games.


When choosing a distance learning course, it is important to take into account the level and interests of the child. For example, for those who are just starting to immerse themselves in the world of programming, an introductory course on Unity is well suited. If a child is interested in computer games and wants to understand how they are created, it is worth paying attention to programs dedicated to the development of 2D and 3D projects. For those who already have experience and want to study three-dimensional graphics in more depth in the context of game creation, it is better to choose specialized courses in this field.

Such an experience will be the key to unlocking the creative abilities of young people and give them the necessary skills in the field of game creation and coding.

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Классно. Думаю обучение программированию детей через GameDev - это супер. Завлечь внимание подростков сейчас очень сложно
