Auto-translation used

QuickFix & WebSocket

Good afternoon, friends!

At the moment, we are solving a difficult but extremely interesting task — the integration of QuickFix and WebSocket protocols for automatic trading on various brokerage terminals. Our goal is to create a reliable and efficient system for managing PAMM portfolios, which will allow our clients to get maximum profit with minimal risks. We are confident that thanks to our experience and commitment to excellence, we will be able to achieve outstanding results and offer unique tools for trading in the foreign exchange markets.

The integration of the QuickFix and WebSocket protocols is a unique engineering challenge due to their fundamentally different architecture and application area.

On the one hand, QuickFix, being an implementation of the FIX (Financial Information eXchange) protocol, is designed to process standardized messages in the field of high-frequency trading and financial markets. Its main purpose is to ensure reliable and efficient exchange of financial data between various systems and market participants.

On the other hand, WebSocket is a protocol designed to establish a permanent two—way connection between the client and the server, providing real-time data exchange with minimal latency. It is widely used in web applications that require instant data updates, such as chat rooms, online games, and streaming services.

Combining these two protocols requires the development of non -standard mechanisms for the translation of message formats between FIX structures and A JSON format commonly used in WebSocket. In addition, data synchronization and connection state management must be ensured, which adds additional levels of complexity. Solving such tasks involves not only data transformation and routing, but also ensuring high system performance, scalability and security, taking into account the requirements for minimum latency and fault tolerance.

Therefore, to resolve this issue, our team will publish a technical task in the near future and will be open to negotiations.

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