Expanded social media and mass media monitoring and analytics capabilities in Kazakhstan

New platforms for tracking references in Kazakhstan, including TV channels, print media and feedback platforms were added to Brand Analytics, a system for social and mass media monitoring and analysis. This will allow users to fully evaluate the brand's information field, get maximum data for analyzing opinions and effectively manage your reputation.

The Brand Analytics system has the following media available for monitoring:

  • 8 largest feedback platforms, including kaspi.kz, global.wildberries.ru, tomas.kz, spr.kz;  
  • 7 key TV channels, including Qazaqstan and Khabar;  
  • 23 print media, including Osken onir, Rudny Altai and Liter.  

The data obtained from the extended list sources allows:

  • Product managers to evaluate a product or service perception by the target audience;  
  • Marketers to analyze the brand's share among competitors, target audience segments and develop a promotion strategy;  
  • Support specialists to build a feedback processing system;  
  • HR managers to analyze opinions of employees and candidates;  
  • Press secretaries to monitor the brand or person's representation.  

At the same time, an integrated approach to working with the information field is important for specialists — each site can become a valuable source of information. For example, media publications can cause negative feedback, so it is important to monitor them when working with reputation to prepare anti-crisis communications. While product feedback sites help HR managers analyze the quality of employees' work in the field.

Brand Analytics covers a maximum of key social media platforms in Kazakhstan, allowing comprehensive analysis of user and media references.