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Development and Success of the Attractor School of Almaty: The Way to Effective IT Education

Since 2014, the Attractor School of Almaty, which began its activity as an IT Attractor, has gone through a transformation from a company engaged in software development and training graduates for an IT career to an educational center with impressive achievements. In addition to training, the company focuses on software development through Attractor Software, most of whose employees are graduates of the school itself.

The main task of the Attractor has always been to eliminate the shortage of qualified developers in the market. The courses developed by the company are aimed at practical training that allows university students and people who want to change their profession to quickly acquire the necessary knowledge and skills. This learning strategy allows graduates to successfully integrate into IT companies, as they already have the necessary practical experience and relevant knowledge.

Attractor School offers courses covering both backend and frontend development, focusing on current technologies and the development of team skills. The school also implements a unique ESDP (Educational Software Development Process) methodology, which allows students to participate in projects of real customers under the guidance of experienced mentors. This provides invaluable practical experience and preparation for real work in the IT field.

Thanks to cooperation with IT companies in Almaty and Bishkek, School Attractor has established itself as a source of Junior developers who easily find work after graduation. Many large companies are willing to turn to us in search of young talents, as the search for a good specialist can take from one to six months, which often affects the productivity of the development team and the quality of the final product.

ESDP is a three-month block of teamwork where students work on real projects, receiving guidance from experienced mentors and interacting with real customers. This experience not only allows students to understand how to work in an IT company, but also contributes to their growth to the level of middle and senior developers.

We take a very responsible approach to the selection of both mentors and customers, as the result of the development and, consequently, the further career path of our graduates depends on it. A mentor is an active developer, an employee of a large IT company, who is ready to share his experience and help students correctly follow their role in the team, choose the most appropriate tools for implementing tasks and not lose rhythm and motivation in their work. The customer is a person with an interesting business task that needs to be solved using an IT product. This can be any task, starting from a CRM system and other accounting programs, ending with something more scientific, for example, a radiation monitoring system for 5G towers across the country. We select projects based on what kind of experience they will be able to give students and how they will demonstrate this experience in their portfolio.

The culmination of training at the Attractor School is the presentation of projects to employers, which often leads to direct employment of leading developers in well-known IT companies. Our partners and entrepreneurs who are just interested in developers come to get to know students even before they enter the labor market, so as not to miss the opportunity to invite them to work for themselves out of competition.

This approach provides the School's Attractor with a high level of success among its students and makes a significant contribution to the development of IT education.

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