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Advertising in Telegram: comparing popular formats

Over the past year, Telegram has gradually turned from a messenger into a platform that strongly reminds users of their usual social networks. More than 700 million users communicate here every month. And recently Telegram launched its advertising platform Telegram Ads, which is being actively developed by adding new tools for marketers. If earlier in Telegram it was possible to advertise only through seeding, now advertisers have more opportunities: Telegram Ads, Stories. In this article, we will look at how to advertise conveniently and effectively on the site by comparing the seeding and targeted advertising from Telegram.

Before Telegram Ads, advertising on the site was available only in the format of seeding. When Telegram Ads was released, advertisers had a choice: to advertise through seeding or Telegram Ads.

Seeding — a placement of posts in the Telegram channel feed on a paid basis through an agreement with the owner. Advertisers prepare the text and creatives, discuss the terms with the administrators of the selected channels and place their ad in the channel feed.

Advantages of placement through seeding:

  • There are no restrictions on the size of the text. The advertiser can write a sufficiently detailed and large text, the size of the ad depends only on the conditions of the administrators of Telegram channels.
  • Using creatives. Creatives can be the main way to attract the attention of the audience. Depending on the channel, the advertiser can use both an image and a video.
  • Formatting the text. The text can be overlaid, highlighted in bold or italics.

Disadvantages of placement through seeding:

  • Individual conditions. The terms of advertising can vary significantly from channel to channel, which takes a lot of time to communicate with the owners.
  • Preparation of the post. In addition to signing contracts, marketers spend time creating text and creatives for the conditions of each of the channels in which they want to advertise.
  • Display format. The ad is in the Telegram channel feed and rises higher over time, and pinning the ad or re-publishing it is an additional expense.

Telegram Ads is an advertising solution inside the Telegram social network. In Telegram Ads, you can place native ads in open channels with 1000+ subscribers at the bottom of the news feed. The ad can lead to a Telegram channel, a chatbot, or an external link.

Advantages of placement via Telegram Ads:

  • The ad is native and noticeable. The advertisement is placed at the bottom of the news feed and stays there, so users read it on a whim.
  • No need to negotiate. The marketer independently sets up advertising through the Telegram account, he does not need to contact the owners of the channels. And the same ad text will appear in the selected channels.
  • The ability to be placed in any open channel with 1000+ subscribers, even in the channel of competitors. The advertiser can choose the subject of the channels to be placed or collect a list of the necessary channels independently, where, among other things, you can add competitor channels.

Disadvantages of placement via Telegram Ads:

  • You can't use creatives. While there is no way to add a full-fledged creative in the ad, it consists only of text.
  • Restrictions on the text. In a small text, you need to fit a catchy message about a product or service.
  • An advertising account can only be created through through an ad buying platform. You can do this on good terms with AdHand.
Comparison of seeding and advertising via Telegram Ads

AdHand is a platform for convenient and profitable payment for advertising in Telegram. By launching Telegram Ads with AdHand, advertisers get help with:

  • Setting up an advertising campaign
  • Replenishment and management of the advertising budget
  • Getting closing documents
  • Communication with Telegram support in case problems arise

Also, free analytics tools and assistance from experts in digital advertising are available to our clients.

You can learn more about Telegram Ads, the AdHand team and services on the website. And if you want to receive news about marketing and social networks, subscribe to our Telegram channel.

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