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Laravel Model Event Guide


Laravel, one of the most popular PHP frameworks, provides a powerful set of tools for developing web applications. One of these tools is Model Events. These events allow you to respond to various points in the model lifecycle, such as creation, update, deletion, and other database operations. In this article, we will look at how to use model events in Laravel, what types of events exist and how they can help in the development of your application.

The main events of the model

Laravel offers a number of built-in events that can be used in its models. Here is a list of the main events of the model:

  1. Creating: called before creating a new record in the database.
  2. Created: called after successfully creating a record in the database.
  3. Updating: called before updating an existing record.
  4. Updated: Called after a successful record update.
  5. Saving: Called before saving a record, whether it is creating or updating.
  6. Saved: Called after the record has been successfully saved.
  7. Deleting: Called before deleting the record.
  8. Deleted: Called after the record has been successfully deleted.
  9. Restoring: called before restoring an entry from the trash (if soft delete is used).
  10. Restored: Called after the record has been successfully restored.

These events allow you to perform additional actions such as logging, data validation, synchronization of related data, and other tasks that need to be performed when changing model data.

Registering model events

To register model events in Laravel, you can use the boot method in the model. Inside the boot method, you can define handlers for various events. Here is an example of how to do this:

use App\Models\Post;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;

class Post extends Model
    protected static function boot()

        static::creating(function ($post) {
            Log::info('Creating a new record:', ['title' => $post->title]);

        static::updating(function ($post) {
            Log::info('Updating the record:', ['title' => $post->title]);

        static::deleting(function ($post) {
            Log::info('Deleting an entry:', ['title' => $post->title]);

In this example, we register handlers for the creating, updating, and deleting events. Each time one of these actions is performed with the Post model, the corresponding message will be recorded in the log.

Creating event listeners

In Laravel, you can create separate listeners to handle model events. This allows you to better organize the code and make it more readable. For example, you can create a listener for the created event that will send a notification to the user:

namespace App\Listeners;

use App\Events\PostCreated;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Illuminate\Queue\InteractsWithQueue;
use App\Notifications\PostCreatedNotification;

class SendPostCreatedNotification
    public function handle(PostCreated $event)
        $event->post->user->notify(new PostCreatedNotification($event->post));

This listener can then be registered in the EventServiceProvider file:

protected $listen = [
    'App\Events\PostCreated' => [


Model Events in Laravel is a powerful tool that allows you to react to changes in models and perform various actions such as logging, validation, and notifications. By using model events, you can greatly simplify the development and maintenance of your application, making the code more organized and easier to understand.

This mechanism provides ample opportunities for flexible work with data and allows you to easily integrate additional functionality into the lifecycle of the model, which makes Laravel one of the most convenient and powerful frameworks for developing web applications.

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