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Where to start automation or why development is not the same | Just about complicated |

  Hello, entrepreneurs! This is the fifth video from the series "Just about complicated", and today we will analyze the difference between automating business processes and developing our own product. Each of these paths has its advantages and nuances that you need to know in order to make an informed decision.

📌 In this video you will find:

- What is automation and product development: key differences.

- Where to start: practical steps and questions to get started.

- What is an MVP (Minimally Viable Product) and why is it important.

We use examples from real practice and focus on how this knowledge can be applied in your business to achieve better results.

If this video has benefited you, do not forget to like, subscribe to the channel and share with colleagues. Your comments and questions will help us make the following videos even better.

Visit our website for a free consultation. Your success is our mission. See you in the next video!

🔗 Useful links:

Company website (rus):

Company website (English):

Presentation about the company (rus):

Presentation about the company (English):

Commercial offer for the development of a technical task:

Commercial offer for technical support:

Commercial offer for hourly development:

A commercial offer for a project development with a fixed term and cost is formed only if there is a detailed technical specification or after the provision of the service “development of a technical task”.

The No. 1 rating platform in the world of Clutch:

Own projects: SED with dynamic routes:

Highly loaded distribution system for collecting and processing the contents of web resources "SSP", patent No. 22764.

Social project:

#automation#product development #MVP#Simple-minded #entrepreneurship #business incentives#optimization#entrepreneur advice #business strategy #management #development #business growth #sailet #maxbel

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Различия между автоматизацией бизнес-процессов и разработкой собственного продукта могут быть ключевыми для успешного управления бизнесом.


В видео обсуждаются ключевые различия между автоматизацией бизнес-процессов и разработкой собственных продуктов, а также предоставляются практические советы по тому, с чего начать в каждом из этих направлений.


Сам был участником множественных процессов автоматизации. УДалось побвать на многих этапах и много кем (постановщиком задачи, разработчиком, проджект менеджером и много кем). Полезное видео, спасибо за информацию ))
