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Seed money 4.1

Applications for participation in the Seed Money program have begun

We have amazing news for you! The Seed Money program is opening its doors to IT startups again!

Applications are open until March 5, 2024.

Seed Money is a program aimed at the development of IT startups. The program provides financing for IT startups corresponding to priority activities in the field of information and communication technologies at different stages of development (MVP, Product/market fit, Scale). Financing is provided according to the revenue share model, which implies a counter obligation to pay 1% of the income from the project within 5 years after the disbursement of funds.

What awaits you in the framework of the Seed Money program?

- Financing for the development of the project up to 20,000,000 tenge

- Tax benefits as a member of Astana Hub

- Consultations, tracking from qualified experts

- High-quality networking and community of more than 500 IT companies

Priority areas and/or applied technologies for which applications are being accepted:

artificial intelligence


games development

space technology

defence technology

smart city


Have time to become a part of a unique program and make an incredible contribution to the development of the startup ecosystem!

Detailed information about the financing program and the terms of participation is available on the Astana Hub website at the link:

For questions about participation in the competition, you can contact the program managers at the Office of Financing Programs or by calling 2222, +7 7172 73 50 89 .

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За любой комментарий XP?


Интересно, что в вашем понимании означает направление 'smart city' если отказываете проекту, который призван мониторить коммунальные службы и объекты критической инфраструктуры ТЭЦ и дт. по причине 'не соответствует направлениям')))


Прием заявок до 13 февраля, а новость об этом опубликовали 13 февраля 2024 года в 18:08? Странно 🤔🤔🤔


извиняюсь за опечатку исправили до 5 марта
