Auto-translation used

WEBINAR SERIES | ONLINE | October 31 and November 2

How to effectively find vulnerabilities in your web applications at all stages of development.


At the webinars, we will tell you how to increase the effectiveness of an information security specialist in analyzing vulnerabilities of developed applications using high-quality tools.

Embedding advanced tools allows you to prevent security incidents in a timely manner, preserve the trust of users and the reputation of the company.

October 31 |11:00 – 12:00 (Moscow Time)

Part 1

In the webinar program:

  • Stages of development
  • Classes of solutions for development security
  • A static analysis tool. PT Application Inspector.
  • [Demo] Functional analysis of the tool
  • Question and Answer Section

November 2 |11:00 – 12:00 (Moscow Time)

Part 2

In the webinar program:

  • Dynamic analysis tools. PT BlackBox.
  • Tools for protecting application images and container environments
  • [Demo] Functional analysis of the tool
  • Question and Answer Section


Khayerov Ruzal, Engineer of the OSSI implementation Group, Innostage

Haertdinov Adip, Engineer of the OSSI Implementation Group, Innostage

Who will benefit:

  • To the heads of the Information Security Service
  • Heads of development departments

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