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Real-life achievement system

Each of us who have an interest in games, received achievements (Achievements) for fulfillment of certain conditions. Some players aim to achieve a specific progress in the game while unlocking one achievement after another. They see in achievements passing tests and obtaining a certain status of a special player who has overcome all possible obstacles set by the developers. Later, the system of achievements begins to be implemented in all possible services of different companies in different areas, aiming to attract as many customers as possible and keep the current customer base. Users themselves see the benefit in it as additional bonuses when buying a product or preferences in different ways.

While conducting research we noticed that our society lacks the same system of achievements, but already oriented to real life. Of course, we do not exclude its other alternatives, manifesting themselves indirectly and creating a complex social mechanism. We believe it is necessary to have a platform in the digital world, which will take on this role. The system of achievements in real life will help a person, as a separate unit of society, to find himself and doing good deeds in favor of himself and society. This is how our team came up with AchieveYou.

AchieveYou is a project designed to improve productivity and increase motivation for each person. The project has 8 categories representing different topics. In each category there is a list of achievements that a person could already accomplish or set a new goal for himself. Achievements differ in their content and complexity. Everyone determines the value of this product for himself. We expect that it will at least allow you to reflect on your past experience and motivate you to accomplish future tasks, fully realizing your ambitions.

At the moment AchieveYou is a completely free social product. It is under development and has already an MVP. In the future, our team will implement all the necessary features and make it as easy as possible for the user to use the site. We will be glad to have any of your support

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