Rubius Soft has joined Astana HUB, an IT startup technopark

Rubius Soft is an IT company providing custom development services for the international market. 

 Rubius Soft develops AI-based production and logistics optimization solutions as well as immersive AR/VR simulators. The team also focuses on processing of point clouds obtained with aeromonitoring or ground scanning and on solutions for autonomous vehicles. 

This year, Rubius Soft opened an office in Almaty and became an Astana HUB resident.

“Participation in Astana HUB ensures the company's access to prospective investors, access to educational programs and the professional IT-community, Egor Vodnev, the founder of Rubius Soft, says. - Rubius Soft plans to expand our international team and geography of our partners in the nearest future. Kazakhstan has everything necessary for this: high-quality infrastructure, tax benefits, and flexible conditions of work with foreign experts.”

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