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Subjects of natural monopolies of Kazakhstan switch to electronic procurement

Purchases of natural monopoly companies are published on the Eurasian Electronic Portal. Suppliers submit applications on the platform and conclude contracts with customers. Until this year, subjects of natural monopolies carried out purchases on paper.

The first purchases have already been published on the Eurasian electronic portal, and applications from suppliers are being accepted. Mitwork helps to implement the system, train staff, and set up procurement processes for monopolies. The Eurasian electronic portal fully complies with the law "On Electronic Procurement of Natural Monopolies".

Customers who purchase electronically speed up and streamline internal procedures. The Common Economic Space helps customers find suppliers faster due to high competition among suppliers. Customers on the portal work with reliable companies, because supplier companies undergo annual accreditation and verification in the registers of unscrupulous suppliers.

Paper purchases took a lot of time. For example, suppliers have to notarize documents and arrange for their delivery. Correcting an error in the documentation may take several days. If the purchase is made electronically, errors in the documentation are corrected in a few minutes, and to submit an application, it is enough to attach scanned copies and click on "Submit an application". Corruption is impossible with e-procurement, as the processes are transparent and the outcome protocols are publicly available.

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