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Tech Orda 2023. Datanomix Academy Battle on the platform

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The official authorized Qlik training center in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. We are the only company from Kazakhstan with Elite partner status.

Students continue to study at the Datanomix IT School in the course “Application Development in Qlik Sense. From collecting requirements to creating dashboards” according to the state program Tech Orda. 

Students complete practical tasks and attend thematic meetings.

Today we want to tell you that students from 8.01.2024 to 21.01.2024 took part in an online battle on the platform . - this is a simulator for testing knowledge in writing Qlik Sense Set Analysis expressions. The platform allows you to solve sets of tasks of varying complexity, compete with other participants, and share achievements on LinkedIn. 

As part of the battle, on January 9, students took part in a LIVE broadcast with Kamilla Isakova, Product Manager Gitoqlok, Community Manager .

On the air, Kamilla Isakova spoke about the capabilities of the platform , showed the main functionality and answered the questions of the participants.

More than 10 students participated in the battle. The participants were so interested that they solved the tasks after the deadline. 

The leaders in the task solving list received personalized certificates with badges from 

Top 1 Astai Kusidenova, 37 years old, Astana 

Top 2 Regina Alimova, 33 years old, Almaty

Top 3 Zhanar Bukeeva, 40 years old, Karaganda

For participating in the battle and solving problems, all participants were awarded points and certificates for participation were issued.

We have received feedback from the participants of the battle:

Astai Kusidenova, 37 years old, Astana

“My name is Astai, I work as an IT analyst. In the fall of 2023, I received a grant from the Tech Orda program specializing in data analytics from the Datanomix Academy, which I was very happy about. Now I am already taking the advanced level of the course "Application Development in Qlik Sense. From collecting requirements to creating dashboards."

I decided to test my knowledge and participate in the battle organized by Datanomix. It was my first experience, to be honest, at first there was only interest. The tasks were difficult, but I solved them and gained invaluable experience. Getting the first place was unexpectedly pleasant for me.

I thank the Datanomix Academy team for the high-quality training and organization of this competition!”

Regina Alimova, 33 years old, Almaty

"My name is Regina. Most of my professional activity is related to marketing. I learned about studying at Datanomix from friends. I really like the format and approach to learning on the course. In any case, the amount of practice is very important to get a result. Participating in the battle on the QATA platform is a great opportunity to hone skills and apply knowledge, and get bonus points." 

Zhanar Bukeeva, 40 years old, Karaganda

"In my work as an analyst in an IT company, I actively use Qlik for data processing and visualization. Participating in the QATA set analysis battle helped me deepen my knowledge of the tool and immerse myself in the world of new Qlik features. This experience has not only expanded my competencies, but also inspired me to actively implement the knowledge I have gained into my daily work."

Galymzhan Kuppaev, 35 years old, Almaty

"I have been studying Qlik Sense since October last year at the Datanomix training center as part of an educational grant from Tech Orda. The course lasts for 6 months and I have already completed the training modules that I use in my work. Qlik can work quickly when analyzing a large amount of data, but at the same time it is necessary to correctly prescribe the codes to generate the necessary information, and this is what we learn in the course. Tournament It was a great opportunity to understand how well I understood the material during my Qlik training. The ability to write code that are used in the program allows you to quickly complete the task from the management and the team. Participation in the tournament turned out to be interesting also because we competed with other fellow students, which created a competitive environment. In such circumstances, my strengths and weaknesses immediately became clear to me. As a result of participating in the tournament, I took 4th place. It would seem that this is not a prize-winning place in the top three, but this result allowed me to consolidate the opinion of colleagues about my high level of knowledge of the program. I also understood the directions that I would like to complement, study/tighten up"

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