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Tech Orda 2023: results of studies at the Jusan Sngularity

The training under the Tech Orda 2023 program has been completed at Jusan Singularity, we are pleased to share the results of studies and events organized and conducted by the IT school team for students.🚀

Out of 1,137 applications received, we selected and trained 59 students in 5 different areas: iOS and Android Development, Frontend, Java Backend and DevOps. In addition, 21 more students were enrolled on a fee-based basis.

From October 2023 to May 2024, about 300 live classes were held with mentors-developers with an emphasis on practice and in-demand IT technologies.

To consolidate the theoretical materials, students worked on practical projects individually and in teams, and together with mentors conducted a code review to better understand the code and its functions. 

During the training, more than 10 guest lectures were held with experienced developers-graduates of the school, such as: 

  • Batyrbek Kantarbayev, Frontend Developer, Jusan Bank
  • Ilyas Bekpaev, Senior Frontend Engineer, Freedom Mobile
  • Zhulamanov Dosymkhan, Lead iOS, Khan Group
  • Asan Aydin, Middle iOS developer, Kcell 
  • Adlet Zhaimukhametov, Middle Android, Eurasian bank
  • Daniyar Ergesh, Middle Android Developer, Halyk bank
  • Isak Baglan, Middle Java Developer
  • Alibek Dariger, DevOps Engineer, Astana International Exchange
  • Julia Andreeva, Author of the iTeacher Academy project

During the guest lectures, the developers shared their success stories, achievements and experiences in the IT field, and the students had a great opportunity to get answers to all their questions and find a solution for learning tasks. 

The most active guys took part in the hackathon, where teams of students worked on the following 3 projects:

  1. Developing an application analog of the Secret of Santa
  2. Development of an administrative panel for a food delivery service
  3. Interactive game “Rock paper Scissors”

In just a week of the hackathon, the guys learned how to work in a team of students from other fields and at the end of the competition they were even able to develop MVP (working versions of applications). 

Our graduates are proud to talk about studying at our school and share their impressions of the courses:

"I took a DevOps course at the Jusan Singularity School. The course turned out to be really useful and informative. It covered all the major aspects of DevOps, and. I learned a lot. The materials were well structured and the practical tasks helped to consolidate the theory immediately. The course mentor is just great. He was always ready to help and answered all questions. His advice and support helped a lot in the learning process. The Jusan Singularity school left a good impression. Everything was organized clearly and conveniently, starting from signing up for the course and ending with the organization of the hackathon, which gave me experience working in a team and new acquaintances. The school's team was also pleasantly surprised by their efficiency and professionalism. In general, I was satisfied with the course and recommend it to anyone who wants to understand DevOps and improve their skills."

- Vladimir Isakulov, a student in DevOps.

"The Frontend course with Talgat agai exceeded all my expectations. Self-study has proven difficult, especially considering that Frontend is a very dynamic field and technology is rapidly becoming outdated. Thanks to Talgat, I was able to understand current technologies and improve my skills. Talgat is a professional in his field who shares real experience, not theory. This course helped me gain knowledge and skills! We have done projects with different teams, including working in a team with Backend developers and DevOps, and gained not only theory, but also practical experience. I recommend this course to anyone who wants to master Frontend development." 

- Kuanyshbek Zhumatai, a Frontend student.

The training has been successfully completed, and students are already preparing to plunge into the world of IT as Junior developers.We thank all the participants, mentors and guests for their contribution to creating a unique educational environment. We have many new projects and opportunities ahead of us, and we are looking forward to new students who are ready to conquer the world of technology with us!🚀

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