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Tech Orda: The way to an offer in IT is already during training. The success story of a student at the Delta Education Programming School.

Tech Orda is your chance to get into the IT world, develop your skills and start a successful career in one of the most promising industries. Thanks to the support of the program, you will be able to study at leading programming schools and even find your dream job, just like our student Bashirov Nadil, who already received his first offer while studying at the Frontend-developer course.

Tell us a little about yourself

 - My name is Nadil, I am a student of the Frontend-developer course.

How did you get to know the IT field?

- I got acquainted with IT when I was thinking about what I would do in the future. I was going through the options and because I get along well with the computer, I chose this industry. Then I started thinking about which direction to go in IT, and decided to choose frontend.

Did you come here by profession?

- No, I studied myself before that, and my specialty is "paramedic".

How did you find out about our programming courses?

- I found out through Astana Hub, an advertisement came out to me, and I followed it to the platform, looked at what courses there are. The main criterion was that the courses should be offline, not online, so I found your courses.

How did you take the "Frontend-developer" courses?

- We first went through the basics of HTML, CSS, JS, then moved on to the React library. We did several projects and layout. The most interesting was the joint project, when the whole group participated in the development. Before that, I worked on my own, but this time I managed to work in a team, and it was interesting for me.

How did you get a job?

- During the course, I worked a lot, studied, and actively completed assignments. In the fifth month, my course teacher sent me an offer to be interviewed by a company. Since I thought I was more or less ready, I agreed. After that, I went through all the selection stages for the frontend developer. It was easier than I expected: the questions were about the same as what we were prepared for at the end of the course. Now I have completed the course and am already fully working in the IT field.

What did you like about the course?

- The information was clear, structured, the tasks were on the topic, which explained the theoretical part. The group was small, so the teacher could approach everyone and explain in detail the incomprehensible points. There were all the conditions for a full-fledged practice: laptops, an interactive whiteboard, where we usually showed or drew something on the topic, for example, the structure or logic of the task.

What do you recommend for beginners?

- When choosing a direction in IT, I would advise you to first study everything and choose one direction, and then follow it without spraying yourself on everything.

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