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Alakris Group LLP entered the top 100 best enterprises in Kazakhstan in the field of software development

Alakris Group LLP, a resident of Astana Hub, was included in the ranking of the top 100 best enterprises in Kazakhstan in the field of software development by the end of 2024. This rating is based on objective indicators of quality, innovation, economic contribution and market impact.

Alakris Group is a Kazakhstani IT company specializing in the development of software solutions for exporters and businesses. The company is actively implementing advanced technologies, including Web3, blockchain and smart contracts, creating innovative tools for cross-border payments and financial transactions.

In 2022, more than 50% of the company's revenue was export revenue, which underlines its competitiveness in the international market. Today, Alacris Group continues to develop new products that help businesses operate safely and efficiently in the global economy.

"This is an important achievement for us, confirming the high level of our solutions and their relevance. We are proud that our technologies are being used not only in Kazakhstan, but also abroad. In the future, we plan to expand our expertise and enter new markets," the company noted.

Inclusion in the top 100 best enterprises of Kazakhstan is a recognition of the contribution of Alakris Group to the development of the country's IT ecosystem and confirmation of the quality of the solutions offered.

More details: Link to the rating

#AlakrisGroup #AstanaHub #Top100kazakhstan #Development #Itkazakhstan #Web3 #Blockchain #Fintech #Technology #Innovation

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Эх. Раньше стремились в топ3, топ7, топ10. А теперь вот уже Топ100, причем даже не Азии а Казахстана. Любым успехам конечно надо радоваться. Вы наверно молодцы.


Блин, получилось токсично. Мой комментарий был больше не в упрек компании, а в упрек этих маркетинговых фишек типа Топ100, топ250, топ500
