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TOP 5 tools for generating ideas

Does it happen that thoughts get confused and inspiration disappears? Don't know where to start and which idea to choose? Don't worry! Creativity can be developed, and the right tools will help you find fresh solutions. Here are 5 powerful techniques that will be useful in work, study, and creativity.

This tool helps you visually structure ideas and the connections between them. Imagine that your thoughts are a network of interconnected concepts. Start with the central theme and branch it into subcategories. This is a great way to see the whole picture, find new ideas and eliminate the chaos in your head.

The SCAMPER method is based on 7 questions that force you to look at the problem from different angles:

  • Replace (What can be replaced in the idea?)
  • Combine (Which elements can be combined?)
  • Adapt (How can it be adapted to another field?)
  • Modify (What can be improved or enhanced?)
  • Apply it differently (Can it be used in a different way?)
  • Exclude (What can be removed?)
  • Swap places (Is it possible to change the order?)

By answering these questions, you will be able to transform an old idea or come up with something completely new.

A classic method of generating ideas, which is especially effective in a team. The main rule is no criticism! All participants express any ideas, even the craziest ones. They can then be filtered, refined, and combined. Sometimes the most ingenious solutions are born precisely in the chaos of ideas.

Sometimes, to find the right solution, you need to look at the problem the other way around. Ask yourself: "How to make everything bad?" Describe the worst option, and then turn it in a positive direction. This method helps to identify weaknesses and unexpected approaches to solving problems.

Artificial intelligence is your reliable assistant in generating ideas.:

  • ChatGPT — helps to develop a thought, suggest options for titles and texts.
  • Notion AI — simplifies tasks and helps with planning.
  • Midjourney creates unique visual concepts for creative projects.

Which method did you like the most? Or maybe you have your own proven techniques? Share it in the comments! 🔥👇

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