What are Digital Public Goods and what are they for?

Bring the project to the global level through the DPG standards, the main thing is to use it in the right direction.


The Digital Public Goods mission is to accelerate the attainment of UN Sustainable Development Goals (hereinafter - SDG) in the developing countries. Distribution of digital solutions with an open-source code to create a more equitable world.


DPG are still at the stage of formation, participation in the process increases visibility, support and awareness of your open source project. DPG has just started its development in Kazakhstan. One of the most striking examples is the ‘Accessible Kazakhstan’ pilot project, which is being developed by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in the Republic of Kazakhstan with PF Tandau and Corporate fund «International Technology Park of IT startups «Astana Hub» within the framework of the SDG ‘Sustainable Cities and Communities’. The aim of the project is to gain public acceptance for facilities that have access for children and persons with disabilities to improve quality of life, wellbeing and participation.


DPG have 9 indicators and requirements that determine if nominated software, data, AI models, standards or content can be considered a digital public good. Below we have listed 9 indicators, in the next posts, we will dwell on each in more detail.


DPG Standard Requirements:

- Relevance to Sustainable Development Goals.

- Use of Approved Open Licenses.

- Clear Ownership.

- Platform Independence.

- Documentation.

- Mechanism for Extracting Data.

- Adherence to Privacy and Applicable Laws.

- Adherence to Standards & Best Practices.

- Do No Harm:

   a) Data Privacy & Security

   b) Inappropriate & Illegal Content

   c) Protection from Harassment


We inform you about the start of the series of 7 DPG webinars within the UNICEF and ASTANA HUB consultations in the period from August to December of this year! As a guest of the first webinar, a speaker from Microsoft.


Follow our updates to make your product  DPG.

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