⏱ We have integrated a work-time tracker into the client’s app

The client approached us with an existing app for the German market. German employers are widely implementing a work time tracking system to motivate employees.

✅ Task: integrate a work time tracking system into the client’s app and add the ability to monitor time tracked through the admin panel.

✅ What we did:

• Simple and intuitive design

The work time counter is started and stopped with a single button.

• Statistics of spent time

An employee can view spent time for any day, as well as statistics for a specific period.

• Control and monitoring

Using the admin panel, the employer confirms the employee's spent time. The panel also displays spent time for specific employees and departments, as well as overall company statistics.

👉 Read more about the development on our website: https://icerockdev.com/cases/projects/trebono .

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