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We need your feedback: How Astana Hub turns Feedback into an Impeccable Service

In the previous post, we presented the Astana Hub Quality Assurance Service and its goals. Today we will tell you in detail what stages the quality control process of Astana Hub services consists of. 

  • Data collection: The work begins with collecting feedback from program participants, residents, guests and partners of Astana Hub (hereinafter referred to as respondents). This can be either feedback received through questionnaires, or custdev ("in-depth" interviews) with each of the respondents.
  • Data analysis and measurement of indicators: Measurement of satisfaction indices (NPS) / loyalty (CSI) and categorization of feedback (praise, criticism, suggestions, etc.) allows you to identify areas in need of additional study.  
  • Development and implementation of recommendations: The key aspect of this stage is to take into account the needs and expectations of users of Astana Hub services. For each problem area, a number of specific steps are being developed to correct the situation for the better and improve the quality of services. Here it is important to determine the terms and stages of implementation, to organize communication by holders of programs and services.
  • Monitoring and evaluation: Monitoring and tracking the reaction to the changes made, as well as collecting new feedback to assess the effectiveness of the measures taken.

Thus, the process of quality control of Astana Hub services is an integrated approach, starting with data collection and ending with monitoring of implementation results. This process ensures continuous improvement of services and satisfaction of the needs of customers and partners.

We remind you that you can contact us in any way convenient.  We are available: 

📨 by email 

🚀 in telegram

💬 via the feedback form

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