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SMM-schik's notes. Part 4

Nowadays, social networks have become very popular and important for business. Companies use them to promote their products and services, as well as to communicate with customers. AI can help companies in this matter.

AI can determine what is interesting to the target audience and what content is better to publish. For example, if most users are interested in sports, the AI may suggest that the company publish an article about new trends in fitness.

AI can also automate answers to users' questions and offer personalized content. For example, if a user asks a question about a product or service, the AI can automatically answer it. This speeds up the process of communicating with customers and improves their experience.

Using AI helps companies improve the effectiveness of their promotion strategy and attract more people. But AI cannot replace the human factor, so its use must be balanced. Companies should continue to communicate with customers and monitor what is happening on social networks.

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