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Protection of student projects

On April 8, our school hosted a defense of students' projects, which impressed with their skill and originality. The students presented a wide range of projects, ranging from a job search and food delivery service, to an automated platform for the finance department and a website for searching and booking hotels. Each project was presented with great passion and professionalism, which aroused the admiration and applause of all those present.

I was particularly impressed by the performance of the school's director, Tanali, who shared his thoughts on various areas of study, job search and internships. He also stressed the importance of continuous training and development in order to keep abreast of current trends in the chosen field.

After defending the projects, we organized a real celebration for our students, treating them to delicious pizza and refreshing drinks. Everyone had fun and exchanged impressions of the event, creating a warm and friendly atmosphere.

This day was not only an excellent end to the academic year, but also an important step in the professional development of our students. We are confident that all of them will reach great heights in their careers and benefit society with their talents and diligence.

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