Astana Smart City Accelerator

Acceleration program focused on solving urban issues using modern technologies
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Complete the training program

20 teams will be selected to participate in the accelerator to speed up the startup development.

Pilot the solution in Astana

Upon completion of the 6-week training, the top 10 teams will be selected for piloting in the city of Astana.

Receive seed funding

The top 10 startups that advance to the piloting stage will be allocated up to 5,000,000 tenge through the Seed Money program for project development.

Implement your solution

Based on the results of the pilot, the City Administration will determine the projects that will be implemented at the city level.

I want to become participant!

The contents of the training program


The lead tracker will determine the strategic development of the startup, management methods, and monitor business dynamics. The line tracker will help the startup achieve specific goals.


Program participants will have access to group offline sessions on product development, determined based on the diagnostics of startups.


You will gain access to experienced industry experts who are successful in business. They will share their knowledge in marketing, finance, sales, MedTech, FinTech, and other areas.


You will establish contacts with government institutions for the implementation of your startup's technologies and feedback.


  • Solving a task in one of the program's areas

    The program is designed to solve the city's current problems and further implement solutions.

  • Project stage

    The stage of your product should be MVP (Minimum Viable Product), PMF (Product-Market Fit), or Scale (successfully scaling the product to new markets).

  • Status of the participating team

    Companies from different countries can participate in the program, provided they have a registered legal entity in Kazakhstan and generate income exclusively from priority activities.

  • Participation format

    The program is conducted over 3 months in an offline format in the city of Astana, Kazakhstan. The physical presence of the founders throughout the program is a mandatory requirement.

  • Program language

    Proficiency in Russian is required to participate in the program.

  • Other requirements

    To receive seed funding, you must be a participant of Astana Hub. If you are not yet a participant, you can apply for the program and join during the process.

Don't miss the opportunity to launch a pilot with the Astana City Administration!

Make sure to submit your application by July 7, 2024


  • 01

    Early registration by June 14, 2024

    Submit your application by June 14 and get the chance to go through express selection for the program.

  • 02

    General application submission by July 7, 2024

    Applications are accepted until July 7, 23:59 (+5 GMT, Astana time).

  • 03

    Initial screening by July 12

    The initial selection of applications will be conducted without your participation to ensure compliance with the program requirements. Applicants who do not meet these requirements will not be allowed to proceed to the next stage.

  • 04

    Interviews with the CEO by July 26

    A comprehensive interview about your project with experts.

  • 05

    Announcement of participants - August 2

    The final list of program participants will be announced on August 2 on all social media platforms.

  • 06

    Program start - August 5

    The program officially starts on August 5, 2024.

  • 07

    Participant training
    August to September 2024

    20 teams will be selected to participate in the accelerator to accelerate the development of their startups.

  • 08

    Project piloting
    September to November 2024

    The top 10 startups out of the 20 that advance to the piloting stage will be allocated 5,000,000 tenge through the Seed Money program.

  • 09

    Demo Day - November 2024

Time left until the application deadline: 

0 Days
0 Hours
0 Minutes
0 Seconds
Apply now


  • In what language will the program be conducted?

    The program will be conducted in Russian.

  • What is the duration of the program?

    The program will last for 3 months, including Demo Day.

  • What is the cost of participating in the program?

    The program is completely free for participants.

  • Are travel and accommodation expenses covered?

    Participants of the program are responsible for their own travel, accommodation, and meals in Astana.

  • Does the CEO of the company need to be physically present in Astana to participate in the program?

    Yes, the physical presence of the company's CEO in Astana is mandatory for participation throughout the three-month program.

  • Is the participation of the company's CEO mandatory at the Saturday traction meetings?

    Yes, the participation of the company's CEO at the Saturday traction meetings is mandatory.

  • If I didn't pass the express selection, can I reapply?

    Yes, you can resubmit your application by July 7.

Have additional questions? 

Contact the program coordinator

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