
Do you have a startup idea but don't know where to start?

Do you have an IT product, but don't know how to launch repeat sales?


Test your idea and various hypotheses

Prepare a pitch-deck and learn how to present your project to attract investment

you will create your product and make your first sales


0 Days
0 Hours
0 Minutes
0 Seconds

During the program you will learn:


You will learn the basics of managing startup: 

Determine value of the idea, for further development.

You will learn what Lean Startup is and how to apply it.

Learn how to use Hadi and SMART methodologies.


How to pack a product: ываываываываываыва

With the help of market analysis, you will find out your future product's demand

What is NoCode and how to apply it?

How to present your product a to the customer?

How to attract customers without spending money?

You've made your first sale of your product, what's next?


Online registration sfjasf;lkas;flkasf

How to register a legal entity?

What is a Sales Funnel and CRM CJM Basics?

Financial planning and metrics.

How does the venture market work?

How to properly present to investors and attract your product?


By the end of the program

You will have:

a complete understanding of the basics of running a Tech-Startup

finished product/prototype

sales according to the built strategy.



After the program lksadlsakjfaskjf

Successful startups will receive PR promotion and recommendation to other Astana hub programmes.

Opportunity to receive a grant for project development from Astana Hub

Startup Garage alumni projects will be sent to investors, venture capital organisations with a total fund of over $300 million                                                                                     


Right now a,snlsanflaskfn

Take first step towards your own startup




              Requirements to participate in Startup Garage: 

  • 1

    Startup Academy certificate

  • 2

    Presence of IIN and digital signature (including citizens of neighboring states)

  • 3

    Age over 18

  • 4

    IT component of the project

  • 5

    Projects at the MCI idea stage or at the MVP product stage

Enter the promo code "Business_Edu" and get a 20% discount on the educational program from Astana Hub

Startup Academy

A course that provides basic knowledge of technology entrepreneurship and helps you step by step to create your own startup using the Lean Startup methodology based on the experience of world accelerators. Follow the link

Startup Academy

Startup Garage format

Weekly workshops and guest lectures

Program participants will receive all the basic competencies necessary to run and promote an IT startup, as well as guest lectures with investors, expert founders of IT companies, etc.


Board meetings, Sales meetings, mastermind will be held to share results, experience, cross-sell, collaborate, form horizontal connections between participants, etc.

Weekly tracking meetings

Each project is assigned an individual tracker - a specialist who helps teams: implement management methods, track the dynamics of business indicators, facilitate meetings with partner companies, etc.

 Results of startups that completed the incubation program in 2023–2024



startups that participated in the program



project completed the program




Project startups made sales for 366 mln tenge.

 Limited number of spots available

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Bring your idea to life with us!

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  • What is the duration of the program?

    The program will last 3 months, including Demo Day.

  • Is it obligatory to be in Astana for the duration of the program?

    No, all workshops, master classes, individual consultations and traction meetings are held online.

  • How is the selection going?

    Program participants are selected on the basis of submitted applications. The selection process includes two stages:
    a) Screening - assessment for compliance of the project with the selection criteria;
    b) Diagnosis - evaluation of the project by an expert on the basis of an interview.

  • How much does it cost to join the program?

    Participation is free.

  • Who should I contact if I have questions about the program?

    If you have questions, you can always email us at

  • What is the value of the program for a startup project?

    According to statistics, 9 out of 10 startups do not survive because there is no interest from users. The Startup Garage program will help you test the viability of your idea. With us, you will save time and resources, and already at the beginning of the Program, with the help of our experts, determine where and how you best move in order to create, improve and sell your product.

  • What is Demo Day ?

    Demo day is the final presentation of the results of your work and plans for the further development of the product / service after passing the support program before a special expert commission, as a result of which the best projects for awarding are determined.

  • At what age can I enter the program?

    You must be over 18 years old to participate in the Startup Garage program.

Contact us:

Email: Phone number: 1818