G a m e C o n n e c t

GameJam for all of Kazakhstan!
Onile GameDev Hackathon
Application period is open until 20.06.2024



GameConnect Kazakhstan
A large-scale republican hackathon for mobile game development, focused on the creation of new games and their promotion.



Introductory educational bootcamp on the basics of development stages and project management


Publishing games to
Google Play

TOP-30 games will be published and promoted on Google Play!



Based on results, TOP-3 games will meet offline in the Astana Hub to participate in the GameDev Battle with a prize fund.


Program stages

  • 14.06 - 30.06

    GameJam Application Period

  • 01.07 - 05.07

    Educational bootcamp for participants

  • 06.07 - 5.08


  • 06.08 - 12.08

    Selection of games for publication

  • 12.08 - 26.08

    UpgradingTOP-30 games and mentorship support

  • 26.08 - 01.11

    Publishing games and promoting them

  • 22.11.2024

    GameDev Battle among the best teams

Our partners


  • What is GameConnect Kazakhstan?

    GameConnect Kazakhstan is a republican game jam (game development hackathon) aimed at creating new mobile game projects and promoting them. The event includes a training bootcamp, development phase, publication of Top 30 games and GameDev Battle.

  • How do I register to participate?

    To participate in GameConnect Kazakhstan, it is necessary to submit an application in the period from 14th to 30th of June. Registration can be done on our site by filling out the registration form.

  • What are the requirements for the team?

    Each team must consist of no more than 7 people. The team leader registers the team for the game, but all team members must familiarize themselves with the rules of participation.

  • What games can you create?

    Your games must be mobile friendly and comply with Google Play guidelines. They can be done in English, Russian or Kazakh.

  • What is a training bootcamp?

    The bootcamp is an intensive course that will take place from July 2 to July 5. During the bootcamp, participants will gain the knowledge and skills necessary for successful game development.

  • How long  can we work on our game?

    You have to finish the game in 30 days.

  • What prizes are available for the winners?

    The TOP 30 games will have the opportunity to be promoted on the Google Play platform. The top three games with the best metrics will compete in the GameDev Battle for a $10,000 prize pool.

  • How will games be judged?

    Games will be judged on their quality, originality, gameplay, and compliance with Google Play guidelines. Metrics such as the number of downloads and user reviews will also be taken into account.

  • What opportunities does participation in GameConnect Kazakhstan provide?

    Participation in GameConnect Kazakhstan provides an opportunity not only to create and promote your game, but also to meet other developers and potential partners, as well as develop your skills and talents.

  • How to contact the organizers?

    For all questions, you can contact Astana Hub support 2222, +7 7172 73 50 89 or by mail zh.kassymtayeva@astanahub.com 
