Challenge to find and adapt technological solutions for
NJSC "State Corporation" "Government for Citizens"

Submit your application before August 25th, 2024



NJSC "State Corporation" "Government for Citizens" is a legal entity created by decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan to provide public services.


Hackathon will be held in Astana Hub, 55/8 Mangilik el Ave., Astana



The teams whose solutions are the most relevant will receive funds for the development of their project.

5 000 000 tenge


Hackathon tasks

  • Solutions using AI for the Unified Contact Center 1414


    AI solutions for Integrated Call Center 1414

    Description of the task

    Chatbot development using AI

    Technical requirements

    Widget with the possibility of further launch on the websites of the State Corporation


    • Automatic text recognition in Kazakh and Russian languages.
    • Integration with existing systems.
    • High recognition accuracy.
    • Ease of use.
    • Possibility of model training.
    • Unlimited knowledge base.
    • Possibility of transferring to a live operator in case of no response or at the request of the client, with all correspondence.
    • Possibility of generating and downloading a report with mandatory filtering.
    • Fault tolerance and uninterrupted operation of the bot 24/7.
    • Saving all correspondence on a dedicated server/platform with full access to them.
    • Compliance with current information security standards.
    • Knowledge base for the bot with the ability to customize (change, add to, etc.).

    Desired results from the solution

    - Increased service speed

    - Reduced average waiting time

    - Reducing the number of repeat requests

    - Reducing the number of requests to the ECC due to transfer to self-service channels

    Problems that need to be solved

    - provision of incomplete and low-quality advice due to the lack of up-to-date information on the procedure for providing services

    - high load on operators

    - time to generate reports

    - additional financial costs for the methodological part (training/retraining of operators, trainer-psychologist).

  • Video analytics for the Situation Center


    Video analytics for the Situation Center

    Description of the task

    Development and implementation of an intelligent video analytics system for a situation center. The system must provide automatic analysis of video streams in real time in order to increase the level of security, control and prompt response to incidents.

    Technical requirements

    Comprehensive software that uses modern machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies to automatically analyze video streams in real time.


    • Identification of department management at the entrance group with the output of attendance analytics.
    • Counting the number of visitors to the department at the entrance and exit with analytics on the load on the department.
    • Notification of leaving the workplace with analytics.
    • Notification of a crowd of service recipients (from 10 people) with analytics on the crowd (number of people, time of the crowd).
    • Notification of recording the movement of objects at night (from the closing time of the department until 08:00) with sending messages to the head of the department.
    • Notification of entry into the cross room with analytics output (time, date, quantity).
    • Finding an unauthorized person during a practical/theoretical exam with a message displayed.
    • Notification about recording the use of cell phone, smart watch and headphones while passing the practical/theoretical exam.
    • Recording the performance of metal detectors.
    • Analytics of attendance of unauthorized persons who often and for a long time stay in public service departments.

    Desired results from the solution

    - Elimination of human resources ⁠ensuring automatic detection and notification of suspicious events and incidents.

    - Increasing the efficiency of situation center operators.

    - ⁠Reducing the number of false positives.

    - Integration with existing video surveillance and security systems.

    Problems that need to be solved

    The system must automatically process the video stream, analyze it and respond to detected events without the participation of human resources. This will not only significantly increase the efficiency of the Situation Center, but will also significantly reduce the time and financial costs of processing and storing paper documentation.

    The platform is based on advanced video and event processing methods, computational load balancing algorithms and other critical components of intelligent video surveillance and monitoring systems. The platform is capable of providing unlimited scaling in terms of the number of users, sensors (video cameras) and archive depth.

    Thus, the use of digital technologies in video surveillance will help optimize processes and reduce operating costs, reduce human factor risks and allow more efficient use of personnel resources, directing them to higher-level tasks, which will ultimately lead to improved quality of service and increased public safety.

  • Construction of routes and service for digitization of archives of the State Corporation


    Service for digitization of archives of the State Corporation;

    Description of the task

    Conversion of paper archives into digital format with the ability to quickly search and access digital documents

    Technical requirements

    - A universal service for processing large volumes of archived data.

    - Functionality for backup and data protection.

    - Integration with information systems of government agencies, second-tier banks and businesses, including synchronization with the LLM model.

    - Scalability to increase the volume of processed data.

    - Web interface for managing the digitization and monitoring process.

    Mobile application and website for accessing the service.


    - Protection and security of archival documents from unauthorized access.

    - High quality digitization.

    - Optical character recognition (OCR) with the ability to recognize multiple languages (Kazakh, Russian and English).

    - Reliable data storage (resistance to long-term storage and the ability to restore data).

    Intuitive and functional interface for users.

    Desired results from the solution

    - Reducing the time spent searching for archival documents.

    - Increasing the security and safety of archives.

    - Providing access to archival documents and/or data in the provision of public services.

    - Improving analytical work with large volumes of archival data.

    - Optimization of work processes.

    - Increasing the efficiency of interaction between government agencies and citizens.

    - Reducing the cost of storing and processing archival data.

    Ensuring long-term data storage and recovery.

    Problems that need to be solved

    It is necessary to integrate archival data from government agencies, which have different scanned document formats. There are more than 38 million paper archives in the following areas:

    • real estate,
    • land Registry,
    • legal entities,
    • RAGS,
    • PSC and Special PSC.


    1. Heterogeneous scanned document formats make integration difficult.
    2. The large volume of paper archives requires an effective digital solution.

    The need to improve the security and availability of archival data.

  • Computer vision for passing practical exams to obtain a driver's license


    Computer vision for passing practical exams to obtain a drive license

    Description of the task

    Application of computer vision technologies to assess driving skills in practical driver's license exams.

    Technical requirements

    1. Cameras:

    - ensuring that the exam is taken on the vehicle of the examinee or third parties, without reference to the vehicle fleet of the autodrome

    - ensuring the acceptance of the exam and the assignment of penalty points in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 862

    - providing a quick-to-repair and easy-to-maintain solution


    - the ability to record violations (belt, speed limit, intersection of markings, etc.), as well as identification of the make, model of vehicle and license plate

    2. Mobile application:

    - Provides identification of the examinee based on his biometric data

    - Instructs the examinee and may issue commands during the examination

    - Displays exam results at the end of the exercises

    3.Control panel:

    - provides access to CCTV cameras and allows you to switch between them in real time

    - provides access to the archive with a depth of up to 12 months

    - provides access to information
    about candidates and their historical data in the context of passing exams

    - provides access to analytics

    - Ensure that video recordings are stored in an archive for 12 months on a secure channel and transmitted to the State Corporation data center


    - High accuracy of recognition of driver actions - Integration with vehicle equipment

    - Reliability and stability of the system

    - Ability to analyze various scenarios

    Desired results from the solution

    - Increased objectivity and transparency of assessment

    - Reduced human factor

    - Improving the quality of driver training

    Problems that need to be solved

    1. Ensure the identification of the examinee using biometrics and reduce the risk of a third party passing the exam;

    2. Ensure that the exam is taken on the vehicle of the examinee or third parties, without reference to the
    vehicle fleet of the autodrome;

    3. Ensure that the exam is accepted and penalty points are awarded in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 862

    4. Minimize the influence of the human factor on the process of taking the exam and making the decision to take the exam

    5. Provide a solution that is quick to repair
    and easy to maintain

    6. Provide the ability to capture and record the process of taking the exam by the examinee, as well as remote connection to monitoring the process

    7. Ensure that video recordings are archived for 12 months

  • Predictive analytics for online theoretical exams to obtain a driver's license


    Online passing of theoretical exams to obtain driver’s license

    Description of the task

    Organization of an online platform for passing theoretical exams for obtaining a driver’s license.

    Technical requirements

    1. Mobile application:

    - Provides identification of the examinee based on his biometric data;

    - entering IIN;

    - payment;

    - photographing at the university;

    - place of receipt of the document (address of the station)

    - Receives information from the GO database:

    - number of the certificate of completion of driving courses (integration with the IS “Driving School”) and vehicle category;

    - medical certificate 083/у;

    - information about deprivation of driver's license;

    - biometric identification with GBD FL;

    - counting attempts to pass exams;

    2. SDA 3.0 platform:

    - Instructs the examinee and can transmit voice commands;

    - scanning the space around the candidate for compliance with the system criteria (absence of unauthorized persons, technical equipment, etc.);

    - Provides identification of the examinee based on his biometric data;

    - Makes video recordings during the exam and analyzes the candidate’s movement through the proctoring system;

    - Ensuring the acceptance of the exam and the assignment of penalty points in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 862;

    - Forms an application with the results of the theoretical exam for transfer to the IIS PSC


    - User-friendly interface - Fraud protection

    - Supports various types of questions and tasks

    - Automatic checking of results

    Desired results from the solution

    - Increasing accessibility and convenience of taking exams

    - Reduced time to check results

    - Improving the quality of knowledge assessment

    Problems that need to be solved

    1. Ensure the identification of the examinee using biometrics and reduce the risk of a third party passing the exam;

    2. Ensure that the exam is accepted and points are awarded in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 862

    3. Minimize the influence of the human factor on the process of taking the exam and making the decision to take the exam

    4. Provide the ability to capture and record the process of taking the exam by the examinee, as well as remote connection to monitoring the process

    5. Ensure that video recordings are archived for 12 months

Application period ends in:

0 Days
0 Hours
0 Minutes
0 Seconds
Apply now

Participant Requirements

Availability of a legal entity

IT companies with a registered legal entity are allowed to participate in the challenge: LLP, JSC, etc.


To submit an application, you must attach a presentation with the following structure:

—  first slide: team name;

— second slide: brief description of the problem and the solution;

— third slide: description of the team.

Product at MVP stage or beyond

Each team must present a product at the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) stage, which can be demonstrated and has the potential for further development. When submitting an application, the presentation must be provided in accordance with the requirements.

Minimum age of participants

All participants must be 18 years or older.

Team location

There are no geographical restrictions.

Format of participation in the hackathon

Teams from Astana must participate in person. Teams from other cities and countries are allowed to participate online.

Language proficiency

The presentation must be conducted in one of the following languages: Kazakh, Russian, or English.

Selection process

  • until August 25

    Online registration

  • July 21

    Participant selection and sessions with mentors

  • August 25 - 26

    Project adaptation

  • TBA

    Projects pitching in Astana Hub


  • What are the format requirements for the presentation?

    The presentation must be provided in one of the following languages: Kazakh, Russian, or English. We recommend saving your presentation in a PDF format and sharing it via a Google Drive link. Make sure the access is open.

  • What are the selection criteria for projects in the hackathon?


    1. Projects must be at the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) stage or higher, including the PMF (Product-Market Fit) and Scale stages.
    2. Projects at the MCI (Idea) stage will not be accepted.
    3. The following aspects are considered when evaluating projects:
      — Solving one or more technological challenges specified above;
      — A working product: it is necessary to demonstrate a working product;
      — Possibility of piloting and implementing the project in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Will you provide mentorship?

    During the hackathon, teams will have the opportunity to work with mentors and industry experts.

  • What if one of the participants is under 18?

    All participants must be over 18 years old.

  • Are accommodation and other expenses covered?

    Participants of the Hackathon are responsible for covering all expenses associated with their participation and must ensure they have the necessary programming tools during the event. The organizers are not responsible for the safety of property and equipment at the Hackathon venue.

  • Where and when will pitching of projects take place?

    July 15, 2024 at the Astana Hub, Mangilik Ave. 55/8, Astana

Do you have any other questions?
Contact our coordinator:
