Price: 0
Number of applications: 1
For IT companies whose solutions/MVPs are recognized by the Expert Commission as the best - conclusion of an agreement for the implementation of the presented IT solution.
Задачи НИОКР
Metallurgical industry
New production technologies
Software/ IS
The melting department includes equipment that operates in a semi-automatic mode, which does not exclude the presence of process personnel and the use of a number of manual operations, which in turn entails the risk of exposure to traumatic factors on personnel.
Automation and robotization of manual operations
Сауя Сейпенова
Purpose and description of task (project)
Survey and development of a list of initiatives for automation and robotization of all manual operations within the technological process of workshop 4. To propose a rational engineering and technical solution to eliminate the human factor as much as possible in the smelting of ferroalloys