Making decisions before ...


Form of award

For IT companies whose solutions/MVPs are recognized by the Expert Commission as the best - conclusion of an agreement for the implementation of the presented IT solution.

Product status


Тип задачи

Задачи НИОКР

Сфера применения

Metallurgical industry

Область задачи

Other technological solutions

Type of product

Software/ IS

Problem description

manual extraction of ferrochrome from crushed slag in OPShl

Expected effect

Process automation

Full name of responsible person

Сауя Сейпенова

Contacts of responsible person


Purpose and description of task (project)

It is necessary to automate the manual extraction of fractions 0-5, 5-20, 20-40 mm from crushed stone (slag) in PC № 4, due to the possible loss of metal-containing materials.