Задачи НИОКР
Extraction and processing of hydrocarbons raw materials
Field and well development management
technological solution for the prevention and disposal of TRNE
The formation of persistent TRNE in the fields entails economic losses associated with its ballast pumping, and the presence and accumulation of the industrial layer in the apparatus of the oil treatment unit (OPF) and reservoirs leads to a failure in the preparation of oil to the required quality group. All this leads to more serious risks and economic costs for retraining
1. Collection of necessary information on the current state of the oil collection, transportation and treatment system. 2. Sampling (GU, ZU, UPAN-12, BKNS-3, etc.). 3. Study of possible causes of emulsions and local technological areas of emulsions. 4. Modeling the processes of the occurrence of emulsions in local areas on selected samples, searching for methods that prevent or reduce the occurrence of emulsions 5. Analysis of the intensity of TRNE accumulation at the central processing plant (winter and summer), search for factors influencing peak (high and low) indicators compared to average parameters. 6. 4. Conducting laboratory studies to study TRNE (interval samples from tanks TsPPN, UPAN and BKNS-3). 7. Conducting laboratory research to study the conditions for the formation of TRNE (in winter and summer) for objects. 8. Determination of the composition of the return emulsion from water tanks TsPPN and UPAN-12. 9. Laboratory studies of wastewater from different stages of separation of the central processing plant and from the preliminary discharge lines OG-200 1/5 10. Analysis of the selection of chemical reagents to combat TRNE in laboratory and field conditions on liquids, CCPN and accumulated TRNE. 11. Analysis of possible conflicts of chemical reagents (and their residual content) used in different technological cycles (from MCS and kill solutions, production and to the processes of the final stage of oil preparation) 12. Analysis and processing of laboratory research results. 13. Study of the rheological characteristics of the industrial layer and the resulting oil in the process of destruction of the industrial layer 14. Assessment of the negative economic effect of TRNE on the field 15. Development of technologies for the destruction and disposal of TRNE with the least negative impact on the environment and the best economic indicators. 16. Economic and environmental justification for the utilization of TRNE by injection of a hard-to-break water-oil emulsion into the reservoir. 17. Integrated technological solution, including: - adjustment of technological processes in terms of technological regimes - selection of chemical reagents and dosing technologies that prevent the occurrence of emulsions and conflicts of chemical reagents - adjustment of technological regulations (including temperature parameters at the PTB) for oil preparation, taking into account the peculiarities of the processes of occurrence of TRNE - use of more prepared water in the processes of preparation and desalting - a system for measuring (direct and indirect) parameters of technological processes affecting the occurrence of TRNE and algorithms for determining the possible occurrence Etc 18. Conclusions and development of recommendations for its destruction and prevention of TRNE. 19. Development of a feasibility study for the implementation of technological solutions and selection of the most cost-effective solutions with justification of effectiveness 20. Report generation (semi-annual, annual)
Е. Мазбаев
Purpose and description of task (project)
In the process of transport production and oil preparation in the field, the process of formation of oil emulsions occurs caused by transient dynamic processes in pipelines and the transport system, chemical processes in all technological cycles of the oil field, including those caused by conflicts of residual doses of chemical reagents in various technological cycles, transient thermodynamic preparation processes oil, and changing parameters and composition of produced oil. The emulsion that appears at different cycles due to the peculiarity of the oil composition and the content of resins and asphaltenes in it, as well as the high salinity of formation water, in combination with mechanized production and other dynamic processes of the oil field, forms TRNE at the final cycle of oil preparation in reservoirs. TRNE negatively affects the efficiency of the oil production and treatment process, and also creates additional disposal costs and environmental payments. In the course of research work, it is necessary to determine the main factors influencing the occurrence of TRNE, select or develop technologies that prevent the formation of TRNE, and develop technologies for the destruction and further processing and disposal of TRNE with a reduction in the negative impact on the environment. Determining the reasons for the formation of TRNE and developing recommendations for its destruction and recycling technologies.