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Тип задачи

Задачи НИОКР

Сфера применения

Extraction and processing of hydrocarbons raw materials

Область задачи

Field and well development management

Type of product

technological solution for cleaning wells from proppants

Problem description

Reduced filtration and clogging of the well bottom, loss of productivity.

Expected effect

After hydraulic fracturing, cleaning the bottom of the well from proppant by flushing is impossible due to the high absorption of the formation. In such cases, tools such as GUZOS, UDMOS, and GVZh are used. These tools are not always effective; due to the small penetration, it is necessary to carry out 5-6 hoisting operations, which increases the repair time and, accordingly, its cost.

Full name of responsible person

Е. Мазбаев

Contacts of responsible person


Purpose and description of task (project)

After the operation is completed, the proppant is squeezed back into the well.