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Product status


Тип задачи

Задачи НИОКР

Сфера применения

Extraction and processing of hydrocarbons raw materials

Область задачи

Energy conversion and storage

Type of product

engineering solution for sewer cleaning and modernization

Problem description

Inability to pump the entire volume of well production from the northern part of the field, well shutdown, failure of process equipment.

Expected effect

The pressure in the reservoirs when pumping oil should not increase and should be within 5 atm.

Full name of responsible person


Contacts of responsible person


Purpose and description of task (project)

When pumping oil from the northern part of the field, the throughput of reservoirs with diameters of 325 and 219 mm does not allow pumping the entire volume of production due to possible deposits in the area of ​​the siphon passing under the Zhem River. The pressure in the reservoirs in the northern part of the siphon increases to 20-25 atm in winter.