Price: 0
Number of applications: 0
For IT companies whose solutions/MVPs are recognized by the Expert Commission as the best - conclusion of an agreement for the implementation of the presented IT solution.
Задачи НИОКР
Metallurgical industry
New production technologies
Technological IT solution
Internal transportation of ferroalloy ingots between the smelting shops and the finished product warehouse, as well as other materials, is carried out by the enterprise's railway. The speed of the train is no more than 7 km/h, transportation is carried out accompanied by technical personnel. Internal railway crossings are not equipped with barriers/barriers. Sometimes minor collisions between vehicles and trains occur.
Preventing collisions between vehicles and trains
Сауя Сейпенова
Purpose and description of task (project)
Location - Aktobe Ferroalloy Plant, Aktobe railway tracks (ZhDC). Internal transportation of ferroalloy ingots between the smelting shops and the finished product warehouse, as well as other materials, is carried out by the enterprise's railway. The speed of the train is no more than 7 km/h, transportation is carried out accompanied by technical personnel. Internal railway crossings are not equipped with barriers/barriers. Sometimes minor collisions between vehicles and trains occur. A solution needs to be developed to prevent rail vehicles from colliding with each other.