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Для ИТ-компаний, решения/MVP которых признаны Экспертной комиссией лучшими – заключение договора на реализацию представленного ИТ-решения.
Задачи НИОКР
Metallurgical industry
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Software/ IS
It is necessary to automate the process of accounting for unloaded OPSH dump trucks
automation of the accounting process for unloaded OPSH dump trucks
Сауя Сейпенова
Purpose and description of task (project)
Transportation of slag by dump trucks to the crushing and screening complex (DSK 600) for subsequent crushing. Weighing the volume of slag with the bowl is carried out by slag trucks; the bowl is also weighed separately by a slag truck; the difference between a bowl full of slag and an empty ladle is equal to the weight of the slag. It is necessary to automate the process of accounting for unloaded OPSH dump trucks