Making decisions before ...


Form of award

Gos Zakup

Product status


Тип задачи

Задачи ИКТ

Сфера применения

Light industry

Область задачи

Technologies in telecommunications

Type of product

Software/ IS

Problem description

It is required to automate business processes related to the provision of social services at the KSU Center for Active Longevity.

Expected effect

The main production processes of the KSU Center for Active Longevity are automated.

Full name of responsible person

Аубакиров Марат Абдуалиевич

Contacts of responsible person


Purpose and description of task (project)

Development, maintenance and technical support of IT system - modules for process automation: - Module “Visitor and Employee Electronic Passport System”; - Module “Real-time video monitoring system”; - Module “System for electronic registration of visitors to events”; - Module “Automated system for recording and monitoring visitors through facial recognition technology.