Making decisions before ...


Form of award

Working with the customer, concluding a contract after creating a prototype

Product status


Тип задачи

Задачи ИКТ

Сфера применения

разведка полезных ископаемых

Область задачи

Компьютерное зрение, искусственный интеллект

Type of product


Problem description

Determining the occurrence of minerals using satellite images of the earth.

Expected effect

A web portal has been developed into which satellite images of the earth’s surface can be uploaded, and which determines the location of mineral deposits.

Full name of responsible person

Джалкибаев Нурлан

Contacts of responsible person


Purpose and description of task (project)

Project goal: Processing of remote sensing data, including satellite images for further determination of mineral deposits. Project objectives: 1. Development of a remote sensing database, including satellite images with the potential occurrence of useful deposits for selected periods of time and linked to geological coordinates. 2. Development of an algorithm for analyzing remote sensing data, including satellite images, to determine the location of mineral deposits 3. Development of a data analysis algorithm to search for and exclude short-term changes (anthropogenic changes, animal activity, climate change, geophysical changes, etc.) 4. Development of a web interface for searching and accessing data.