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Product status


Тип задачи

Задачи НИОКР

Сфера применения

Extraction and processing of hydrocarbons raw materials

Область задачи

Industrial Safety

Type of product

engineering solution to stabilize the structure

Problem description

Due to the proximity of the incinerator to other workshop facilities, a danger is created for the entire technological cycle of the Gas Preparation and Processing Shop

Expected effect

It is necessary to eliminate vibrations and adjust the verticality, taking into account the fact that there are non-movable installations nearby and classical stretching with metal cables is not possible. The height of the incinerator is 62 m, technological position M1901, manufacturer ZEECO

Full name of responsible person


Contacts of responsible person


Purpose and description of task (project)

The verticality of the afterburner is broken. In case of strong wind, deviation from the vertical axis is observed, as well as oscillations of the flare trunk in winter at low temperatures. The fluctuation is approximately from 60 cm to 1 meter.