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Тип задачи

Задачи НИОКР

Сфера применения

Extraction and processing of hydrocarbons raw materials

Область задачи

Raw material processing technologies

Type of product

development of new compositions of driving fluids

Problem description

Loss of production after repair

Expected effect

Compositions of kill fluid used: - process water from water wells at the field with a density of 1.04 g/cm3. In winter, when the air temperature is lower - 15-18⁰С, or when it is necessary to increase the density of the killing fluid, concentrated aqueous solutions with the addition of calcium chloride (CaCl2) are used in wells with reservoir pressures higher than hydrostatic.

Full name of responsible person

Е. Мазбаев

Contacts of responsible person


Purpose and description of task (project)

After repairs, wells do not return to their previous operating mode and productivity.