Mangystau Hub: Қазақстанда тағы бір өңірлік IT-хаб ашылды
Маңғыстау облысы Ақтау қаласында Mangystau Hub өңірлік технопаркі іске қосылды. Бүгінде бұл – Astana Hub басқаруындағы 13-ші өңірлік хаб.

Президент Қасым-Жомарт Тоқаев өңірлік деңгейде инновациялық экожүйені кеңейтудің маңызын «Әділетті Қазақстанның экономикалық бағдары» атты Қазақстан халқына Жолдауында атап өтіп, Astana Hub тәжірибесін кеңінен масштабтау міндетін қойды.
«Өңірлік хабтар аймақтарда IT-саланың дамуына жол ашады. Бұл орталықтар жергілікті стартаптар, кәсіпкерлер мен мамандар үшін білім беру бағдарламаларына, нетворкингке, инвестицияларға және технологиялық ресурстарға қол жеткізуді қамтамасыз ететін катализатор іспеттес. Аймақтарда Digital Nomads және Google Developers Group-пен серіктестікте воркшоптар, олимпиадалар, хакатондар, офлайн және онлайн кездесулер жиі өткізіледі. Бүгінде өңірлік хабтарда 7 мыңнан астам адамның қатысуымен 300-ден астам іс-шара ұйымдастырылды, 70-тен астам компания Astana Hub қатысушысы болды. Біз Mangystau Hub өңірдегі IT-индустрияны дамытудың негізгі алаңына айналатынына сенімдіміз», – деп атап өтті Astana Hub басқарушы директоры Дания Ахметова.
ҚР ЦДИАӨМ, Маңғыстау облысы әкімдігі және Sergek Group қолдауымен Astana Hub халықаралық технопаркі құрған Mangystau Hub-тың негізгі міндеті – жергілікті IT-қауымдастықты дамытып, IT-таланттардың тұрақты ағынын қалыптастыру. Мұнда IT-мамандардың біліктілік деңгейін арттыруға және инновациялық жобалардың дамуын ынталандыруға бағытталған түрлі іс-шаралар, тренингтер мен конференциялар өткізіледі.
Ашылу аясында 8 технологиялық жоба ұсынылды: AMS SYSTEM, qMeta, Mediana Services Limited, Smart EDUS, AGSA,, Rebels, және ЭкоАвтомат.
Бүгінде ҚР ЦДИАӨМ бастамасымен және Astana Hub, әкімдіктер мен жеке серіктестердің қолдауымен еліміздің 12 өңірінде IT-хабтар табысты жұмыс істеп тұр: Abai IT Valley, Kyzylorda Hub, Digital Jetisu, Zhambyl Hub, Oskemen IT Hub, Jaiq Hub, Turkistan IT Hub, Qostanai IT Hub, Aqtobe IT Hub, Aqmola IT Hub, Pavlodar IT Hub, Terrikon Valley. Сондай-ақ 2024 жылы Mangystau Hub-тан басқа Атырау, Шымкент, Қонаев, Жезқазған, Петропавл және Жаңаөзен қалаларында IT-хабтар ашу жоспарланып отыр.
2024 жылы Astana Hub өңірлік IT-хабтарды платформасындағы қолжетімді цифрлық инфрақұрылымдар арқылы қарқынды дамытуды қолға алды. 2023 жылы еліміздің өңірлік хабтарында АКТ саласында 784 іс-шара ұйымдастырылып, оған 25 мыңға жуық адам қатысып, 194 стартап-идея ұсынылды. Сонымен қатар өңірлерде АКТ бойынша 7 форум өткізілді. Бұл 70 компанияның Astana Hub-қа қосылуына және өңірлерде IT-саланы дамытуды ынталандыруға септігін тигізді.
Пікірлер 18
Кіру пікір қалдыру үшін
Arm Strong · Жел. 24, 2024 16:40
I was scammed over ( $45,000 ) by someone I met online on a fake investment project. I started searching for help legally to recover my money and I came across a lot of Testimonies about jetwebhackers Recovery Expects. I contacted them providing the necessary information’s and it took the experts about 72hours to locate and help recover my stolen funds. I am so relieved and the best part was, the scammer was located and arrested by local authorities in his region. I hope this help as many out there who are victims and have lost to these fake online investment scammers. I strongly recommend their professional services for assistance with swift and efficient recovery. They can reached through the link below. reach out to JETWEBHACKERS, on their TELEGRAM: @jetwebhackers WHATSAPP: +1 (704) 252-2290
Maverick Lincoln · Жел. 22, 2024 01:26
My process for recovery has been kind of a bumpy process because of the fake recovery agents I encountered. However with the support given to me by RIGHT WAY LAW RECOVERY SERVICES, I have collectively succeeded in recouping my locked up BTC Assets valued at $326,790 within the space of 48 hours !! Or rather the team worked hard on my behalf, I only had to provide them with a few details regarding my investment with the fraud company and they did the rest for me. Prior to meeting RIGHT WAY LAW RECOVERY FIRM, I had met a few recovery agents as well, that only seemed to care about their service fee similar to what the fraud company was doing to me and at some point I almost gave up the believe that I would ever get back my money but today I’ve done full circle to come back here and give my own thankful review since I learnt about the team through the many reviews on here. I feel ready to take on the world with my new found awareness and RIGHT WAY LAW RECOVERY on my team! … I wish they would create more awareness platforms and opportunities to help enlighten more people about crypto and how best to navigate the digital financial landscape, this will surely help to reduce the fast spreading fraudulent activities going on here & there and save potential investors from falling prey!. Glad I know it now and I can teach it to my children so they wont make the same mistakes I did. You can also contact them via their official Email address: RIGHTWAYLAWRECOVERYSERVICE@GMAIL (.) COM or Telegram:+1 513 602 3179
Noah Varez · Жел. 20, 2024 00:13
My process for recovery has been kind of a bumpy process because of the fake recovery agents I encountered. However with the support given to me by RIGHT WAY LAW RECOVERY SERVICES, I have collectively succeeded in recouping my locked up BTC Assets valued at $326,790 within the space of 48 hours !! Or rather the team worked hard on my behalf, I only had to provide them with a few details regarding my investment with the fraud company and they did the rest for me. Prior to meeting RIGHT WAY LAW RECOVERY FIRM, I had met a few recovery agents as well, that only seemed to care about their service fee similar to what the fraud company was doing to me and at some point I almost gave up the believe that I would ever get back my money but today I’ve done full circle to come back here and give my own thankful review since I learnt about the team through the many reviews on here. I feel ready to take on the world with my new found awareness and RIGHT WAY LAW RECOVERY on my team! … I wish they would create more awareness platforms and opportunities to help enlighten more people about crypto and how best to navigate the digital financial landscape, this will surely help to reduce the fast spreading fraudulent activities going on here & there and save potential investors from falling prey!. Glad I know it now and I can teach it to my children so they wont make the same mistakes I did. You can also contact them via their official Email address: RIGHTWAYLAWRECOVERYSERVICE@GMAIL (.) COM or Telegram:+1 513 602 3179
Dave Ubbe · Жел. 1, 2024 05:22
If you're searching for trustworthy hacking and recovery services, get in touch with Team Redeemed Hacker Pro. They're the greatest choice for recovering cryptocurrency and other digital assets that have been stolen from scammers. Numerous clients and companies throughout the world have benefited from Team Redeemed Hacker Pro's assistance in recovering bitcoin, data, and stolen funds from con artists. The capacity of this group of hackers to hack and recover stolen digital assets, such as Bitcoin, has helped many individuals and companies escape poverty and destruction. Additionally, they use their blank ATM package to help clients who are in need of money so they can escape poverty and frustration. Together with state-of-the-art software, Team Redeemed Hacker Pro offers the best expertise in hacking and recovery protocols. This team of hackers comes highly recommended. their contact details are shown below: Email: Website: Website:
Dave Ubbe · Жел. 1, 2024 05:21
If you're searching for trustworthy hacking and recovery services, get in touch with Team Redeemed Hacker Pro. They're the greatest choice for recovering cryptocurrency and other digital assets that have been stolen from scammers. Numerous clients and companies throughout the world have benefited from Team Redeemed Hacker Pro's assistance in recovering bitcoin, data, and stolen funds from con artists. The capacity of this group of hackers to hack and recover stolen digital assets, such as Bitcoin, has helped many individuals and companies escape poverty and destruction. Additionally, they use their blank ATM package to help clients who are in need of money so they can escape poverty and frustration. Together with state-of-the-art software, Team Redeemed Hacker Pro offers the best expertise in hacking and recovery protocols. This team of hackers comes highly recommended. their contact details are shown below: Email: Website: Website:
Lisa Johnson · Қар. 14, 2024 06:01
BEWARE OF CRYPTO SCAMMER CALLED JESSICA FX ON INSTAGRAM I'm forever grateful to Jetwebhackers for their remarkable assistance in recovering the $87,940 USD I had lost to a crypto scam. This amount was meant to cover my son urgent hospital bills, and I was deceived by a fraudster posing as JESSICA. FX, (BINARY EXPERT), who promised me a return of $280,140 USD - but it was all a scam. Thanks to Jetwebhackers' expertise and dedication, I was able to recover not only the initial investment but also the profit I was promised. Their help has been a blessing to my family, and we can now focus on my husband's recovery without financial stress. I highly recommend Jetwebhackers to anyone who has fallen victim to crypto scams. They are professional, efficient, and compassionate. Thank you, Jetwebhackers, for your exceptional service and support during a difficult time!" Quickly reach out to JETWEBHACKERS, on their TELEGRAM: @jetwebhackers WHATSAPP: +1 (704) 252-2290 You can also contact them for any hack services like * Blank atm card
Angel Smith · Қар. 13, 2024 04:26
It is extremely upsetting to lose Bitcoin (BTC) to a fraudulent online investment platform, move your cryptocurrency to the wrong wallet, or forget your wallet's password. After falling victim to a cryptocurrency scam, I was fortunate enough to read an article on Redeemed Hacker Pro. His reviews were really good and reliable. Redeemed Hacker Pro assists fraud victims in recovering their losses as a certified specialist in digital currencies. My wallet and all of my Bitcoins were magically retrieved by Redeemed Hacker Pro in less than 48 working hours. Redeemed Hacker Pro comes highly recommended and is a professional to anyone in need of his services. His contact information is available at: Email: Website; Website: Don't make the same mistake I did; stay blessed and stay informed
Angel Smith · Қар. 13, 2024 04:26
It is extremely upsetting to lose Bitcoin (BTC) to a fraudulent online investment platform, move your cryptocurrency to the wrong wallet, or forget your wallet's password. After falling victim to a cryptocurrency scam, I was fortunate enough to read an article on Redeemed Hacker Pro. His reviews were really good and reliable. Redeemed Hacker Pro assists fraud victims in recovering their losses as a certified specialist in digital currencies. My wallet and all of my Bitcoins were magically retrieved by Redeemed Hacker Pro in less than 48 working hours. Redeemed Hacker Pro comes highly recommended and is a professional to anyone in need of his services. His contact information is available at: Email: Website; Website: Don't make the same mistake I did; stay blessed and stay informed
Bullish Intelligence · Қаз. 6, 2024 10:24
ARE YOU A VICTIM OF INVESTMENT OR NFT SCAM? DO YOU WANT TO INVESTIGATE A CHEATING SPOUSE? DO YOU DESIRE CREDIT REPAIR (ALL BUREAUS)? SCHEDULE A MEETING WITH AN ETHICAL HACKER ASAP TO GET STARTED. Let us show you the art of Ethical Hacking….! EMERALD HACKS is a financial regulator, PRIVATE investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score. All software tools needed to execute RECOVERIES from start to finish are available in stock. Kindly NOTE that the available tools does NOT apply to CREDIT FIX. Be ALERT to FALSE reviews and testimonies on the internet, the authors and perpetrators unite to form a syndicate. Contact our team as soon as you can via the email address below to book a mail meeting with an ethical hacker. emeraldhacks (.) org (@) gmail (.) com Stay Safe out there !ll
Ben Taylor · Қыр. 10, 2024 01:19
Known as Redeemed Hacker Pro, they are a hacking and stolen digital assets/crypto recovery agency that assembles a group of hackers passionate about doing whatever it takes to find online scammers. Report issues to them via their hotline, email: websites:,, or by email at They provide the best hacking assistance. Or perhaps you've already had a conversation with a hacker and are curious whether you can trust them. Redeemed Hacker Pro is not bragging, but over the years, they have assisted numerous individual firms with various hacking and asset/data recovery tasks. They have also completed over 98.9% of the operations on the following issues. CLEAR CRIMINAL RECORDS DETECTABLE & UNDETECTABLE HACK(PC,iPhone,Android or Organization Computers) WEBSITES/SOCIAL MEDIA HACK, (FB,Email,Skype,Tinder,Twitter,WhatsApp,Snapchat,Instagram,Telegram e.t.c) FLIP CASH AND COIN DOUBLING CREDIT REPAIR BINARY OPTIONS SCAM RETRIEVALS BLANK ATM CARD BITCOINS (BTC) HACK INSTITUTIONS RESULT UPGRADED DATABASE HACK LOAN WITHOUT COLLATERALS etc.
Ben Taylor · Қыр. 10, 2024 01:18
Known as Redeemed Hacker Pro, they are a hacking and stolen digital assets/crypto recovery agency that assembles a group of hackers passionate about doing whatever it takes to find online scammers. Report issues to them via their hotline, email: websites:,, or by email at They provide the best hacking assistance. Or perhaps you've already had a conversation with a hacker and are curious whether you can trust them. Redeemed Hacker Pro is not bragging, but over the years, they have assisted numerous individual firms with various hacking and asset/data recovery tasks. They have also completed over 98.9% of the operations on the following issues. CLEAR CRIMINAL RECORDS DETECTABLE & UNDETECTABLE HACK(PC,iPhone,Android or Organization Computers) WEBSITES/SOCIAL MEDIA HACK, (FB,Email,Skype,Tinder,Twitter,WhatsApp,Snapchat,Instagram,Telegram e.t.c) FLIP CASH AND COIN DOUBLING CREDIT REPAIR BINARY OPTIONS SCAM RETRIEVALS BLANK ATM CARD BITCOINS (BTC) HACK INSTITUTIONS RESULT UPGRADED DATABASE HACK LOAN WITHOUT COLLATERALS etc.
Bancy Randy · Там. 25, 2024 15:51
Haben Sie schon einmal von Redeemed Hacker Pro gehört? Sie sind die Besten aller Zeiten, wenn es um Dienste zur Wiederherstellung gestohlener binärer Optionen/Daten, Hacking und Fehlerbehebung geht. Sie sind bekannt als Redeemed Hacker Pro, eine Agentur für Hacking und die Wiederherstellung gestohlener digitaler Vermögenswerte/Kryptowährungen, die ein Team von Hackern aufbaut, die mit Leidenschaft getrieben sind, um sicherzustellen, dass sie alles geben, was Sie von ihnen verlangen, um Internetbetrüger zu jagen, die ihnen über ihre Hotline gemeldet werden, E-Mail: oder Websites:, Sie bieten Ihnen den besten Hacking-Dienst?
Bancy Randy · Там. 25, 2024 15:51
Haben Sie schon einmal von Redeemed Hacker Pro gehört? Sie sind die Besten aller Zeiten, wenn es um Dienste zur Wiederherstellung gestohlener binärer Optionen/Daten, Hacking und Fehlerbehebung geht. Sie sind bekannt als Redeemed Hacker Pro, eine Agentur für Hacking und die Wiederherstellung gestohlener digitaler Vermögenswerte/Kryptowährungen, die ein Team von Hackern aufbaut, die mit Leidenschaft getrieben sind, um sicherzustellen, dass sie alles geben, was Sie von ihnen verlangen, um Internetbetrüger zu jagen, die ihnen über ihre Hotline gemeldet werden, E-Mail: oder Websites:, Sie bieten Ihnen den besten Hacking-Dienst?
Sandra Doherty · Маусым 23, 2024 14:19
I want to use this Medium to say big thanks to (Redeemed Hacker Pro, A hacking and Stolen Digital Assets, Crypto, and Data recovery agency) for helping my husband recover our stolen crypto worth ( $43,000,000.00 ) through their illegal hacking and spamming skills, I tried to seek for a solution online but at first, it was skeptical but with the help of Redeemed Hacker Pro, stolen Crypto Recovery service it was easy to get access to our funds and it worked successfully and we got our family money back, I’m so glad I came across Redeemed Hacker Pro, early, they retrieved approximately 99% of the total amount we lost, we thought we would never going to get our money back from those fake online investment hackers, You can reach out to Redeemed Hacker Pro on their hotlines, or on their website: or Here Is a List Of Hacking Services they Offer-: * School Upgrade * Binary Recovery. * Crypto Recovery * Loan scam Recovery * Wire transfer recovery * Delete all Criminal Records * Investment Fund Recovery * Scam Money Recovery * Deleted Files & Document Recovery * Dating scam money Recovery * Social Media Hacking (Facebook Instagram, e.t.c.) * Catch your cheating partner via Phone Hacking & Cloning
Sandra Doherty · Маусым 23, 2024 14:19
I want to use this Medium to say big thanks to (Redeemed Hacker Pro, A hacking and Stolen Digital Assets, Crypto, and Data recovery agency) for helping my husband recover our stolen crypto worth ( $43,000,000.00 ) through their illegal hacking and spamming skills, I tried to seek for a solution online but at first, it was skeptical but with the help of Redeemed Hacker Pro, stolen Crypto Recovery service it was easy to get access to our funds and it worked successfully and we got our family money back, I’m so glad I came across Redeemed Hacker Pro, early, they retrieved approximately 99% of the total amount we lost, we thought we would never going to get our money back from those fake online investment hackers, You can reach out to Redeemed Hacker Pro on their hotlines, or on their website: or Here Is a List Of Hacking Services they Offer-: * School Upgrade * Binary Recovery. * Crypto Recovery * Loan scam Recovery * Wire transfer recovery * Delete all Criminal Records * Investment Fund Recovery * Scam Money Recovery * Deleted Files & Document Recovery * Dating scam money Recovery * Social Media Hacking (Facebook Instagram, e.t.c.) * Catch your cheating partner via Phone Hacking & Cloning
Меруерт Берикбаева · Мамыр 20, 2024 15:45
Arman Zhalgasbayev · Мамыр 14, 2024 00:57
Cool 👍
John Hall · Сәуір 30, 2024 11:14
I am John Hall, and I live in California. I was contacted by one Carmen who instructed me to set up an account on a legitimate cryptocurrency exchange to purchase BITCOIN, transfer funds to a Trust Wallet account, and then directed me to transfer funds to the fraudulent trading website “”. Over the course of a few months, I made repeat investments into the platform totaling over $30,000. During this time, I was assured that my money could be made back and at one point Carmen offered to send $41,000 of her own assets, plus an additional $8,000 that I previously sent to Carmen as a good faith measure, to supplement my investment on the platform. After the alleged transfer, I was led to believe that I had $234,000 USDT in my account balance as a result of the trade. However, when I tried to withdraw, the website informed me that my account was suspended and that my assets were frozen. After contacting the website’s customer service, I was told that my withdrawal would only be approved when I provide an additional payment outside the platform to pay off the short-term capital gains tax on their profits. At this point I realized the fraudulent nature of the website and reported the incident. A friend then recommended "**RECOVERYCOINGROUP AT GMAIL DOT COM**" who helped recover all my money and then brought down the website so they'll not be able to scam someone else.