300 Teachers Undergoing Training in AI and GameDev, 19,000 Students Gain Access to Programming Courses

At the directive of the Head of State, an online educational platform designed to teach schoolchildren across Kazakhstan has been launched at the Astana Hub international technology park. Additionally, a pilot project has been initiated to train 300 Kazakhstani teachers in artificial intelligence (AI) and game development.

"At the Digital Bridge 2023 international tech forum, the Head of State emphasized the importance of adapting the education system to meet future labor market demands. He directed us to create an educational platform for schoolchildren, which we have now launched as edu.astanahub.com. Currently, 19,889 students are enrolled in courses on the basics of programming. To further support this initiative, we decided to train teachers through the existing Tech Orda program, enabling them to pass on this knowledge to students in secondary schools. At present, 180 teachers from across Kazakhstan and 120 trainers from the Orleu center are undergoing a six-month training program in AI and Game Development," said Daniya Akhmetova, Managing Director at Astana Hub.

The pilot project to train computer science teachers in AI and game development is being carried out by the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry, the Astana Hub international technology park, and the Ministry of Education of Kazakhstan, in partnership with the Orleu National Center for Advanced Studies and the Y. Altynsarin National Academy of Education.

These six-month courses, which will conclude on December 31, are being conducted by leading tech schools nFactorial and Omnium. Upon completion, participants will receive certificates qualifying them to teach the basics of programming to both schoolchildren and fellow educators.

Astana Hub is also planning to implement the President's directive to modernize the content and teaching methods of AI-related disciplines in higher and postgraduate educational institutions. In collaboration with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, they aim to introduce educational programs in AI and game development at universities, supported by extensive teacher training programs.

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Готова быть "инвестором" нашего GameDev рынка ;)


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